It brings back to consciousness racial

For but from 2,000 years that we are seeing as our race this destroying itself and we are arriving at the aim. We are only 8% of the world-wide population. The white women in age to procreate are only 2%. The targets instead of to be united we are faced by strange subjects our race and our being. We make a little history, before the Christianisation of Europe, the white towns lived in perfect harmony. Greek and the Roman ones had reached a civilization degree, that never has been surpassed. All along it was in continuous creation and development. Even nowadays the great artists, scientists and philosophers watch Greece (she cradles of the white civilization). Other towns of Europe, that had not reached so high degree of civilization, like for example the vikingos, also stood out by their sense of honor, of having and it brings back to consciousness of blood. This it brings back to consciousness, the one of blood, race, of town, is the one that maintains lives to a race, a town, a Nation. With the lost one of it brings back to consciousness racial, Greece sank in the degradation, homosexuality and the racial mixture. With the arrival of the Christianity, Europe was field of religious wars that lasted hundreds of years. Million people died by the simple fact of not adoring to God (that was a strange God, for old the European). Defendant of satanistas, herejes and sorceresses, thousands of targets were assassinated by the inquisición. In the name of God, catholics and protestants faced during centuries, spilling white blood by all Europe. Nowadays young targets are even victims of attacks, by religious fanatics. When a race faces, when brother of blood they are killed in the name of a foreign God, this race to lost his brings back to consciousness of blood. We have become predators of our own species. In century XIX, when it seemed that the religious wars had arrived at their aim, Europe began to be divided and whole nations divided themselves in small states, the political borders supplanted to the blood borders. Fratricidal wars begin, that left as balance million dead targets. In century XX, two world wars, take to our race to the abyss. II the world war, was a racial war, the Nazi Germany, that thanks to ADOLF HITLER, had obtained for the first time in two thousand years that a town, recovered his brings back to consciousness of race; vilely it was attacked and destroyed. In the name of the democracy and " libertad" the liberal ones, assassinated to million innocents. The Comunism, I face the towns, followed one another bloody civil wars (ex. Spain) and 50.000.000 of targets before died and after the revolution Bolshevik. Nowadays our completely degraded race to. We defend " derechos" of black, Jews, natives, homosexuals, sidosos, drug addicts, etc. While our race is 8% of the world-wide population. And every day I number of targets is descending. The lack of brings back to consciousness racial, has taken to the racial, suicidal mixture of our race. Everything what forms the character of our race, this losing itself completely. I number of interracial pairs increases, are but the white women who abort that those that has children. We are seeing like our race this being exterminated by treasonous and conspirators, and every day that happens, we came near but and but to the aim of our race. It is too much behind schedule, to save to our race. That not it, I hope that no. But we did not fight nor we worked by our race, surely is our aim. We do not have to hope that others do the work that corresponds to us. We cannot continue waiting for a new generation, in our hands this the future of our race. We cannot continue waiting for a FÜHRER, never in history were two leaders in a same century, Adolf Hitler mark the way to us, leave a legacy us, we must finalize the task that was begun but of 60 years ago: to recover our BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS RACIAL. This good to speak of economic policies, social justice, of revisionism, but the German town at the time of III the Reich, had not secured to the happiness and the inner well-being, like town and like Nation, because the government I finish with leisure, I improve the pays, the quality of life, etc. The German town secured to the happiness and the inner well-being, because it had recovered his BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS OF RACE, blood, of town, of nation. Don't mention it serves, to continue speaking of economic and social policies, if our race this in extinction danger. Many say, that he is not advisable to speak of the racial subject if we are not in the power. But, it is that we cannot hope but; our RACE and the future of our CHILDREN is at the present time our priority. And who say that the racial subject does not have importance or that are secondary, I do not consider groups of comrades. I do not want and I try to be inferior to the political parties National Revolutionaries, evil called by means of " ultraderecha" , that in their rows counts many proud targets. But, these still are very far from securing a political power, that it can act to the benefit of our race. We must stop speaking and conducting battle. Propaganda, propaganda and propaganda. That is first, to show to him our people, that we are not majority as the average ones want to make believe to us but we are a minority and we are in extinction danger. Through the propaganda, we must try and to obtain that our people recover his BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS RACIAL. That one feels Proud of being White, that this proud one by its roots and their traditions, that its culture defends, to its family, our women and our children who are the future of our Race. The white activists we are a minority within our Race. We have our own people, and to means against, the police forces, our governments occupied and to the left militants, libertarios and homosexuals. We must before nothing to be united, not to walk each by its side, the UNION gives the force us, to begin this fight. For 2,000 years the Zionist propaganda, has washed the brain of our people, causing who we hate ourselves between us, who we defend " derechos" of other races before ours, that due to being white we must feel shame and disgust. Well, in us this the power to revert this situation, we flood the streets and the cities with posters, steering wheels, stickers. We publish fanzines, newspapers, pages Web; but we do not remain in the doctrinal aspect and philosophical, we give alternatives, advice, we support the groups in formation. To educate to children and young people, to train militants fused with our cause nonpendencieros and mercenary. We must be in continuous Revolution, we do not have to remain solely in the scheme of the Germany of the years ' 30. We are another generation (it completes perhaps it), we are at the beginning of new CENTURY. We have to our backs sixty years of calumnies and defamations. The Jews, treasonous of the race and black have but power that never. The present situation differs in several aspects with the one from Germany from ' 30. The stagnation is the worse thing than it can happen to him to a revolutionary group. We must be strong, intelligent, do not have to fall in the sectarianism nor in forming violent groups. We want that our people love to us not that she hates to us. Violence, if, but to defend to us solely, it does not stop to be circus of the Zionist press. We do not have to hate nor to despise to the other races, we must love ours. Our people must include/understand that the equality does not exist, that the targets we are different from the black and these are different from the yellows as well. And in that difference, are the virtues of each race. Our fight is by sagradas the 14 Words ...... " We must assure the existence our Race and a future for the Blancos" children;. We finish with the micro-nationalisms, internal fights to see that are " jefe" , rivalries and envies, separated we will not arrive at anything, united we even have hopes. Perhaps nobody promises a victory, we obtain never it, but we will die knowing that we tried at least it. If our people recover his brings back to consciousness, if she listens to the call of its blood, if full of pride and love by our race, there are no doubts, the enemy cannot against us and on this planet, will be never but times of no darkness. The progress, the beauty and the civilization, will return and will be the beginning of a new era of prosperity and advances for our Race.

alongside the Germans ( León Degrelle )

Published by baldur 88 under on 17:16
The last months of 1940 and early 1941 were not pleasant for anyone in Europe and even less in Belgium. From the Dutch, nobody spoke. Undoubtedly iban to be included in the complex geographic large-German. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, clearly, too. As for the French, were already under the malicious eyes of the occupants, including Devore with a fevered would have been much more effective in 1940, after a tank cannon. A month after having laid the foundations for collaboration with Hitler, Marshal Pétain had thrown overboard by his prime minister, Pierre Laval, which the Germans had no sympathy, man fingernails dirty, yellowish teeth and raven hair, things all of which molestaban Hitler, but the ambassador Abetz, very bullish then in Berchtesgaden, liked by his skill, his campechanía, and their sense of chalaneo very auvernés and the power of adaptation. Laval, sarcastic, nibble their cigarettes under his whiskers burned, responded to the game with his game and trying to marshal as an old uniform discharged soldier. Ultimately, it was in full mess. And so it would continue until the last day. the same thing in France outside France, the German castle of Sigmaringen, in which "collaborators" French people took refuge in the shadows of the dark corridors of false packaging feudal villages enormous and sinister armor. And we stay, the Belgians, the case more complicated. I spoke able to renew my contacts with King Leopold, handcuffed prisoner by Hitler and consoled by the lady of his family home, which would make his wife, princess to promote coup of Rethy. His secretary, Baron Capelle, served us mail. I was strongly advised, part of the sovereign - and I had good care of his proposals immediately write-off what they try to bridge towards the winner. The ambassador Abetz, with the picturesque friend had happened in 1936, a week's vacation in southern Germany, and whose wife had been colleague of mine from college in a boarding of the Sacred Heart, was a subject very curious. The inconformistas loves. After my odyssey prisoner had invited me several times for lunch or eat at its embassy in Paris, in Primor palace of Queen Hortensia, the streets of Lille. Plante a banda music of the Wehrmacht in the Garden, under our table, to give us the pleasure of making retumbar the left bank of the Seine with a huge roar music. Together we had explored all possibilities of the future of Belgium. There were ido a Berchtesgaden to talk with the Führer of this problem. He recalled our interview of 1936. We had the impression that cooled by then it causes. Decided, inviting me to Hitler. I cautioned that a car would come quickly to Brussels to seek, so it had to be prepared to exit path of Berchtesgaden anytime I waited .... He had to wait three years before finally reunited with Hitler, under the shadows of the firs of the Lithuanian border, a night in which, wounded four times in the course of seventeen melee, having broken the day before the siege of Tcherkassy, Ukraine, I was moved in Hitler's personal plane so that I put the collar of the neck. Ritterkreuz. (the German equivalent of the Spanish laureate). But we had lost three years. I learned later that any failure in October 1940 because some leaders flamingos, instigated by agents of the German security services who dreamed of starting in two to Belgium, had made it known that an agreement of Hitler with a Walloon conflict with the opposition Flemish part of Belgium. This was, firstly, imbecile, and secondly absolutely contrary to the truth. I had obtained in the elections of 1936, little more or less the same votes in Flanders to Wallonia. And an agreement with the heads Flemish nationalists themselves, had coordinated, in 1937, our conceptions and our Policy Action Plan. But given that these services German espionage asserted that any contact with me would trigger very violent oppositions language in an area of fighting, main base of the air campaign in Germany against England, Hitler postponed the negotiations. Upon cancellation of my interview, King Leopold himself tried, and above all against all, returning to meet with Hitler. His sister, Princess heir to Italy, wife of Humberto, then privileged ally of the Reich, a woman of splendorous body, long legs and clear eyes, had ido a Berchtesgaden to harass the Führer with encarnizamiento literate women, sometimes inopportune. Hitler had finally received a Leopoldo there, but coldly. He was not clarified anything. had offered him a cup of tea. The interview was limited to the distribution of warm liquid, less revealing still emphatically that the coffee. The speech was complete failure. Everything that we had done during the 1940-41 winter thawed for the German iceberg. stranded on our shores, not only led us to that. Our progress-especially during a big rally in which I spoke at the Palais des Sports after the New Year-had no other result that some lines irrelevant information in the "Volkisch Beobachter." In the end, did you know Hitler himself then what he wanted? As would say, in May 1968, General De Gaulle, when the revolution of students at the Sorbonne in submersibles threatened, "the situation was inaprehensible." Does the war against the British would continue? Or, as believed and said the French general Weygand, how would the United Kingdom to fall on their knees at once, annihilated by iron and fire? And the Soviets? Molotov, after their parapets antiparras had ido to Berlin in 1940 to bring Hitler, in addition to the spectacle of his desgarbo salesman, with trousers bulking as a car tire, the list of copious dishes that Stalin sought to be offered as soon as possible. The armies of the Third Reich had just finished sweeping and half of Europe and the Soviets were trying to be awarded the other half without charges and without risks! Taking advantage of the campaign in Poland in 1939, Stalin had engullido half of this territory and, shortly thereafter, the three Baltic countries, in a mouthful of colossal wolverine insatiable. There were repeated in June 1940, devouring the Romanian Bessarabia. And now he was not going to require no more and no less than full control of the Balkans. Hitler was the number 1 enemy of the Soviets. Much to his regret, and not to be found under the threat of fighting on two fronts at the beginning of war he speaks made a high in August 1939, in their struggle against communism. But it was impossible for him to allow the installation of the Soviets on the edge of the same continent that had just barely reunify. The threat was indisputable. The danger, not only was great, but it was also evident. Hitler could not be acorralar exposing the Russians, if the Reich suffered a setback in the west give him a beating. I was compelled to get everything ready to thwart a bad blow on the potential threats which exits from the tiny mouth of weasel Molotov left no doubt. Anticipating developments with caution, had secretly begun the preparation of the operation Barbarossa., The development of whose plans had been entrusted to General Paulus, defeated the future of Stalingrad. Meanwhile, in Europe everything was undecided. The internal divisions of French and the rapid clearance of a policy of rapprochement with Pétain had advised Hitler to miss time to the affairs of the West Madura. The morale of the various peoples of the west was settled. Oppositions of races, languages, clones, Le Roi ambitions without an action with greatness, or at least lift the great hope. For me, the thing was clear: two years, three years of stagnation and Belgium would like ripe for liquidation, for absorbing more or less direct Germanía flamingos in a unified, to set aside the Walloons, Europeans politically indefinite Or French or Germans, and for the elimination of a silent become King Leopold be totally invisible, separated from his people, deambulante between his library and tristona quarter of children less lonely but that, however, politically not worth much. Are Waiting to return to see Hitler? It was no longer issue a reunion. Can Talk in Brussels with a few scratches guts? They had the lowest power of discussion. They were, moreover, swollen with the adequacy of military victors, looking from top to bottom to civilians losers. We detest each other with the same energy. It was essential to reach one day be able to discuss on an equal footing with Hitler and the Reich victorious, but how?. The political horizon was desperately impenetrable. And then, suddenly, on June 22, 1941, was triggered pre-emptive war against the Soviets, accompanied by Hitler's call for volunteers from across Europe to combat serious and not fighting the Germans alone, but of European solidarity. For the first time since 1940 appeared a European plan. Are Running at the head of the East? With the most absolute evidence, had not being the modest Belgian contingent that we could recruit initially, which would bite the dust Stalin. Among millions of combatants, not us we would be more than a grain of sand. But the value could fill the smallness of the number. Nothing would prevent us from fighting like lions, behave with an exceptional gallantry, forcing the enemy of yesterday to verify that the comrades fighters were strong today, that his people had not detract from, they might someday in a new Europe, be an element vigorous, worthy of collaborating in a big action. Above all, there was no other solution. The allies, of course, could win. But this victory of the allies, frankly, how many of the Europeans invaded, they believed, in the winter of 1940 and early 1941? A ten percent? A five percent? And that five percent did better vision than us? Was it more lucid? Who can prove it? The Americans, without whom desfondamiento of the Third Reich was not even imaginable in 1941, were still with a policy of "swim between two plates." His opinion was still in the vast majority of people, distinctly isolationist. All polls of public opinion in the United States as well as each new test confirmed and ratified it. As for the Soviets. Who would have imagined in 1941 that his coriacea serious resistance to the point where it was? The Churchill declared their own intimate that the liquidation of Russia by Germany would issue a few weeks. What likely for a Europe of 1941 was achieved what Hitler, who would become truly a "master in Europe for a thousand years" we had announced Spaak. In this case it was not splashing in the murky puddles of fruitless waiting commonplace in Brussels, Paris and Vichy, as they could to ensure that securities purchased the defeated 1940 in the Europe of the future a share related to the history, virtues and the chances of their homelands. Understand this, the official name. What instantly rejected. I went to Russia to win rights to me one day allow honorably discuss conditions of survival for my country, and not to get shot before the first few gallons that would not be more than operetta. I come to be counted in his footsteps (over four years of strenuous fighting) out, then sergeant, after an official after senior officer, but increasingly amount, by act of courage in combat, having, during seventy-five melee my epaulette previously soaked in the blood of seven wounded. - No longer will I see Hitler-stated my intimate at the time of departure-until I put the collar on the neck of the Ritterkreuz. Exactly the things that occurred three years later. At that time, I could speak out, repeatedly hurt very, very decorated repeatedly he has finished making a break of the Soviet front of the fence that had saved eleven divisions. And I was going to get there-Hitler written test-a statute recognizing my country in the new Europe, one seat and possibilities above all that until then had known, even in the most glorious times in its history, under the Dukes of Burgundy and under Charles V. The existence of those agreements, nobody can doubt. The French ambassador Francois-Poncet, I do not have too much sympathy, has published documents are in his view, in Paris, "Le Figaro". Hitler was defeated. Accordingly, our agreement. obtained at the price of so much suffering, so much blood and despite many zancadillas, had no effect. But could have occurred otherwise. Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs. that even in early 1945 were Hitler ties possibility of winning. In the war until it was finally pulled the gun, everything can happen. On the other hand, we do not clog the Belgians who believed in the solution. London to sacrifice in the same manner and ensure they too, in case of victory of the other side renewal and resurrection of our country. They have failed due to have a life easier than ours, certainly on traps and intrigue of all kinds are concerned. The example of General De Gaulle, Cazurros persecution of which was the subject by the British, and especially the Americans, the humiliations he had to fit, have had to be the same style that we must endure has been often on the German side before obtaining our cause that had insured its success. In London, as in our field, it was necessary to put a good face, not be intimidated, conceal many things, always looking to the interest of the people. Above the chance was useful, what I would say essential, that the two sides, nationalists play two possibilities, so that our homelands survive whatever the final chapter of the conflict. This was not a motive in any case, for those who were in 1945 next to the victors, their throats slit to the other. Mobile wide variety of animated hence our spirits and our hearts when we started, rucksack on his back, toward the eastern front. We were going first-goal, goal-official to combat communism. But the fight against communism had been able to dispense entirely of our effort. Ibama also second goal-and indeed essential objective in our eyes-not just to fight with the Germans, but to impose the Germans, drunk by the pride of countless victories, had been able to treat Zapatazos in each of our countries occupied by them. Not stopped and some do not duplicate his long ceased to scandalize on many occasions. But after the epic confrontation Russian underestimate them would be difficult even to representatives of peoples who had fought valiantly beside their armies in a battle that we show solidarity toward all. This was the big reason for our march: forcing the fate, forcing the attention and commitment of Germans victors, with them building a Europe that our blood. also our blood, had cemented. We were going to live in Russia horrible years, to know physically, morally, an ordeal that has no name, in the history of men has never been an atrocious war to the point in endless snow, sludge endless. Hungry often, without ever resting, we were overwhelmed by misery, injuries, suffering of all kinds. To finally get to a disaster that swallows our youth and our lives annihilated ... But what is what counts in life? The new world will not be more than in the purification of delivery. We deliver completely. Even the seemingly useless never surrender what is absolute. One day he finds a meaning. The huge martyrdom of millions of soldiers, the long rattle of a youth who sacrificed entirely in the Russian front, they have created in advance compensation essential for spiritual renewal in Europe. A Europe of shopkeepers had not been enough. It was necessary also a Europe of heroes. This was going to build, rather than the other, during the course of four years of fighting chilling.

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