genocide white
Published by baldur 88 under on 19:21
Introduction The format of the Manifesto of genocide White was appointed on purpose to eliminate the sophistication of the "authorities" supported by the system. The power systems, both religious and the secular, have invented and canonized bishops, priests, teachers, historians, experts in propaganda, Doctors in several disciplines, and a multitude of prostitutes similar to the specific intent to deceive, control and use the masses. Two well-known historical figures show that after a great openness have been Napoleon Bonaparte and Henry Ford. Bonaparte, after examining documents of the Vatican library said: "The story is a fable." Ford then set up a commission to study the real power behind the government said: "The story is a swindle." An author called Trevanian wrote that "the propaganda of the victors becomes the history of the vanquished." The fact is that all power systems rewrite history and propaganda historical facts for their own profit. The sighted person is aware that men who had obtained the endorsement of the system by "higher education" are particularly obtuse at accept the circumstances as the common sense and shows that these individuals "educated" are generally the last to leave a corrupt, tyrannical and destructive. This is partly due to have prostituted himself to make a profit but also because the "higher education" is more properly called "brain higher pollution." The purpose of the "higher education" is to create managers for the rule of the masters. Therefore, this manifesto does not rely on the word of the authorities "recognised". The statements and conclusions of the Manifesto come from 3 sources. The laws of Nature, common sense and the current circumstances. Intellectuals current probably react with their word games since the sophistry is their only recourse to deny a fact. For example: when I say that only 10% of the world's population is white and I can see the minions of the system is debating whether 11%, or if the modern Greeks are White or even about whether or not there is a White race. They have an arsenal of semantic deception almost infinite. The foundations of the Manifesto are absolutely true in spirit and undeniable to any man of good conscience and reasonable mind. The Manifesto refuses to use the terms as they use the "politically correct". For centuries the word "gay" was used to describe a mood of fun, while "homosexual" was used to describe a condition in which the natural role of men towards women was abandoned in favor of something that goes against Nature . For centuries the 3 major human races have been called negroid, Mongoloid Caucasian race and the latter meaning the same as White. The colored races are not a minority. Western civilization is creating the White man. The suffixes "ista" and "ism" does not demonize one word. So as a Baptist loves and defends his religion, a racist loves and defends his Race. When the existence of the race itself is threatened, racism becomes an imperative Natural first order. Recognizing that no race is suicidal voluntarily Manifesto complaint with the tribe racial-religious prevailing on the former? White nations and states that we are denied White, White schools, White organizations and everything necessary so that we can survive as an entity racial and cultural. To conclude the introduction affirm that the term "racial integration" is a euphemism for genocide. The result of racial integration is a percentage of interracial marriages that leads to destruction of the race as White has already occurred in some areas in the past. The White 5 million of which only a fraction are women of childbearing age or younger, are submerged between 5 trillion beings of colored races and was extinguished in a short time. The genocide is being carried out deliberately. The author of the Manifesto, his cronies and others who still maintain some control over their consciences are totally opposed to this. The control of Zionism on the media, as well as the most important points of industry, finance, law and politics in the former? Nations Blancas, is a fact and is well known by the people who occupy positions of influence. For those who doubt the information is available from several sources as in the book called "The Jewish Who's Who". Therefore, we, who are still vigilant in the White Aryan race or declare that: 1) All governments of the former? White nations deny us uniformity and the territory necessary for our survival as racial and cultural entity. 2) The inevitable result of racial integration is the race for the White genocide through the mixture. The promotion of the mixture of white women with men of color is obviously a priority for the media system. 3) The White men who resist the genocide of their race are destroyed economically, socially and politically. If they continue to resist are killed or imprisoned by false accusations. 4) The life of a race is in the hands of women and currently only 3% of the world's population are White women of childbearing age or younger. 5) That the political, social or economic interests can be destroyed and then built again, but the death of our Race is eternal. 6) That the White man's instinct to preserve the beauty of White women and the future for White children on this earth is a mandate of Nature and his God. 7) That all Western nations are governed by a conspiracy of Zionism to mix, enslave and exterminate the White race. That is americas police of Zionism. The police and military Americans are used to destroy each state Blanco on Earth. 9) The refusal to give work to the White across the so-called "affirmative action" has resulted in the decline of our families and our people. 10) That the sports, entertainment and multiracial integration are designated to destroy the sense of originality and courage necessary for the survival of our race. 11) That history is being rewritten to obscure the achievements of our ancestors and to accredit the colored races. 12) That the Judeo-Christianity promotes the idea of equality of races and men in general. 13) That the Zionist occupation government in North America and other Western nations promotes the unnatural act of homosexuality knowing about the power of sexual instincts of men for sexual union must be directed toward women of childbearing with the same race for ensure the survival race. 14) That the Zionist occupation government in North America and other Western nations promote and protect infanticide, now called abortion at the expense of whites. Under these countless crimes against whites as well as the obvious genocide against them we henceforth we refuse to support the institutions of our executioners. In obedience to the laws of Nature and recognizing that the nature and its laws were the work of God and that natural law is more important to preserve one's lineage, we demand the formation of a state exclusively for Whites in North America and Europe. If we are denied this right will seek to do justice by any means. Those who betray us with the Zionist government is warning. If we reach our goal expressed in the 14 words "We must ensure the existence of our Race and a future for White children", his treason will be punished. If we fail and the White race follows the same path as the dinosaurs, the last generation of children White including yours pay for their complicity with the vile hands of the colored races that will inherit the world.88! David LaneFederal Prison
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