In modern Western civilization, some might abscond or consolation to think that all the warnings they do and all the signs they see daily in the streets are just phrases without a real consequence, or small details without much importance. Now we will see that it is not. The facts show that the propaganda system is strong among calando inferior races, and also in his other line, in the White Race, making her fear, passivity and inaction over what is epic. What we are now narraré acts that demonstrate, not simply need to theft, simple aggression or any other benefit twisted, but an immeasurable, resentful and sick hatred of everything white. This is not just criminal acts, but of cowardice and savagery that we drew the resentment that ferments from sickly non-whites. I'm putting the example of the United States, where racial tensions are more rooted and the flowers of the skin, but we all know how these things are also happening in Europe, where similar cases have happened, especially at the hands of Moors. The fact is that the U.S. takes a lot on this, and as to experience racist, they are light years away from us. Any comrade aware that in the NS American, is not spoken rather than race, race and ethnicity. Based on that the U.S. is a vanguard of Europe in this regard, we all see what awaits us in a few years:
In Miami, Florida, in 1992, seven whites were killed by members of the "Worship of Yahweh", to which they are asked to bring an ear of each victim as evidence. The trial of this case was at the same time that the incident of the famous black junkie Rodney King, who led the famous riots in Los Angeles so well that came to distract the attention on this ritual murder. In short: seven whites are murdered and no one says anything, nobody rides riots, no one recorded it on video, no one cries out to heaven or ripping their hair or arms upward in a gesture of "oh Lord, but why?". A black drug addict who assaulted two police officers is beaten by these same policemen, and the lees of the octopus because of a cabroncete who was recording the video-deserved beating. - In Media, Pennsylvania, 20 / 10 / 1996, a black man named Arthur Bomar deliberately crashed the car of Aimee Willard, a white university 22 years. When she left the car to check the damage, the murdered black beaten with an iron bar. Subsequently, the black undressed the corpse and raped her.

- In Charleston, South Carolina, 1997, a white woman, Melissa McLaughlin, was raped for hours by seven blacks. Afterwards, thrown into a bathtub filled with bleach and there skinned alive with knives. This disgusting crime did not appear in any media nationally, because the victim was a white woman and the perpetrators were seven black bastards, cowards and thus deserve a slow death, painful and desperate. If some whites had committed a crime against a black ten times less bestial, this would have appeared as a racist event, and had been aired to the four winds as an example of racist hatred of the white man. Even today had continued to make documentaries on each anniversary of such a crime. - In Denver, Colorado, 30 / 5 / 1998, a white fourteen years, Duval called Brandy, was abducted by a well-known black and Hispanic gang called "Bloods" at a bus stop. Having once taken to a remote area, raped her by turns, and then raped her sharply with a broomstick. Later, the murdered stabbing 28 times and dumped his body in a ditch. - In Wilmington, Delaware, in the Spring of 1998, a black man named Flagg, after having drugged with crack, entered into a white residential area, where he saw Mrs. Puglisi working in his garden. The black came into his house through the back door, ransacked the fridge, ate what they wanted and waited quietly. When Mr Puglisi entered the house, the black shot and killed him. Then the black kidnapped Mrs. Puglisi, taking it to his own house, where fastened, and for 8 days, raped, tortured and humiliated. Mrs. Puglisi was able to escape and inform the police. The crime was censored in all media, except in the Wilmington area.
- In Cleveland, Ohio, 28 / 6 / 1998, Devon Duniver, a white girl, 5 years, was killed by a black teenager named Anthony Harris, who said later that "was what he deserved." (¡!)- In Fayetteville, North Carolina, 17 / 8 / 1998, two young white women, Tracy Lambert (18) and Susan Moore (25 years) were returning by car to their homes after work when they were abducted by members of a famous black and Hispanic gang called "Crips" means subhuman, through friendly gestures, asked the white youths who stopped the vehicle, after which seized him, to put the white in the trunk and went to a Solitary field near the military base at Fort Bragg. Brought to the youth of the trunk, put on the knees and gave each a shot in the neck. It was an initiation ceremony for two new members of the band, and required that each murdered a white person.
- In Bourlington, North Carolina, 16 / 10 / 1998, Tiffany Nicole Long, a 10-year-old white girl, was abducted by three black teenagers: Joseph Jones (13 years), Harold Jones (16) and Dorthia Bynum (black, 17 years). Blacks took Tiffany behind a garage that was nearby, tied a cable television around his neck and raped her. When the men finished, the black teenager grabbed a broomstick and he raped the girl so violently that the white stick pierced her uterine wall and came to the chest: Tiffany died from impalement atrocious pains, while the remataban hitting it with a table timber. This crime, typically subhuman, was only mentioned in the local media, which covered over to make it clear that "race has nothing to do" and omitting the cruelty and hatred that is divine in this crime.
In Alexandria, Virginia, a white child of 8 years died when a black man cut his throat. The black in question also stabbed his grandmother 80 years and gave him a punch in the stomach. The police found a handwritten note that it was "Kill them raceess whiate Kidd's anyway", which translated to the Castilian deplorable and without the misspellings, would mean: "Killing children white racist in any way." - At an institute in Boulder, Colorado, a white student was raped and shift gunpoint by 6 Asians who subsequently admitted to the police who raped her "because he was blond and white." - In Atlanta, Georgia, on July 7, 2006, Jordin Paulder, a white child of 7 years, tried to help a Hispanic thing that he was not going well in your car. Hispanics gave him in the head with an ax, killing him.
THE MASSACRE OF Knoxville, Tennessee, 7, 2007. Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., (23 years) and his girlfriend Channon Gail Christian (21 years) went out at night to a restaurant and never returned. At gun point, were kidnapped, bound, gagged and blindfolded by the animals in the photo below, which took them by car to an apartment he had rented one of them.
The perpetrators: Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman. The best of each house, come on. Go pints of minced meat.
There, Christopher raped and cut off his penis while he forced his girlfriend to watch. Then I took out some railroad tracks, fire, and finally shot it. What he hoped it would be even worse. For four days she was tortured and raped in a group anal, oral and vaginally by all of them took turns in urine while on top. In the end, he cut off a breast, poured chemicals through your throat (in an alleged attempt to eliminate genetic clues left by his semen) and fire. Subsequently, dismembered limbs and introduced the remains of his body into five garbage bags. This crime was never mentioned in the national media Americans. There was a wave of outrage and an e-mail message with the description of the crime turned around to the United States.
The victims: Channon and Christopher, brothers our blood, which had an atrocious death
THE 'SLAUGHTER (also known as "The Horror") of Wichita "AS EXAMPLE OF DECENT ANALYSIS Wichita (Kansas), Dec 14, 2000. TWO BLACK, the Carr brothers, with one kidnapped GUN TARGETS FOUR (three men and one woman), leaving the white house in two cars. For several hours, whites cooperated with the two blacks, along with several ATMs where blacks make them juicy sums of money. Subsequently, blacks led them to a snowy soccer field where blacks TURNER IN VIOLATING HIS TWO WOMEN, anal and vaginal. Later, forced to kneel at the five and shot one by one in the neck. Then, atropellaron the corpses with his van. As icing on the cake that crown, beating Blacks killed the dog that one of the couples had at home. They are cute, these black people, huh? Here you are, what macaques drugged:

The Carr brothers, perpetrators of the Slaughter of Wichita.
Only one of the women survived, thanks to a pin of plastic that had been in the hair, and that helped deflect the bullet. After the black marches, ran out, naked, through more than a mile and a half of ice cream field, to seek medical attention and report the crime. Was diagnosed with a venereal disease, courtesy of Reginald Carr, one of the brothers who raped her.
Well, now we read between the lines and look under a National Socialist point of view. 1 - When leaving the house of those white (but wretched cowards), only one of the cars was under the command of one of the black pistol. What happened in the other? He was without gun! Why future victims were traveling in that car are not revolted? Do we thought that "being good" and would cooperate saved? Dreamers. Or perhaps in that car would just disarmed the black? 2 - The three white guys were nothing while blacks took turns in raping their women! While one of them was in violation with lewdness, may have been jumping all three at once on the other black, even if it be the gun, and reduced. At most, one of the targets had been wounded (or dead, dammit, is what we have!). But did nothing because they thought that "behaving well" and not intervening, leaving the dirty black raping their women, save his own skin. Besides cowardly, selfish, they were only hoping to shift the "nightmare" to return to their tasteless bourgeois bubble and forget and with antidepressants compulsive occupations. 3 - The woman who survived, he admitted that at one point, had a hand gun of blacks. Had only needed fuck, mount, secure and remove the threat or pull the trigger. But, a) I did not know the gun handle (wrong, you should know the world in which we live, especially in the United States). Or, b) He did not want to do anything for fear of doing something wrong. So pretty, in this case, kill had been the right thing. Would have saved the lives of your friends and your own, and in addition you would have saved the world a couple of orcs of Mordor, thousands left over. 4 - THE FIVE EXPECT FROM KNEE WHILE THE BLACK EXECUTIVES ONE TO ONE SHOOTING, A SHOOTING, Quiet! None was lifted, none tried to escape, despite the fact that they saw no more nonsense and that they were going to die! None resisted, as if the five have jumped on blacks, had been able to reduce, or at least put things more difficult! 5 - (By way of conclusion.) Two thousand years of pacifist propaganda, compassionate and gentle, have assembled in the most affluent of the white population. They are not prepared to fight, nor for their homes, either by their wives, not even for their own lives! Under the biological point of view of Nature and Natural Selection, as men are a complete failure and deserved to die. 6 - (By way of moral): Do not be LAMB AS A KILL! DALES PROBLEMS! SEAS NO ONE VICTIM'S EASY! Dying with one stone, defendiéndote, is a thousand times more honorable to be run like a bug.
These events occur very frequently, not only in America but throughout the West. And are daily occurrences. ¿Puts the hair-raising, or not? If the races of one of these cases had been exchanged for a perpetrator to victim, the media had done a huge echoed, branded as hate crime (hate crime). When a white exercised violence against a black, you get a disproportionate attention, and front pages in all newspapers. Thus, the entire American nation knew that a white dragged to death a black man with his van in Jasper, Texas, but so when he heard a black man dragged to death in a helicopter with his car in Streator, Illinois. Every American knew that a white soldier killed a drug dealer in black Fayeteville, North Carolina, but nothing was revealed when seven black soldiers teamed up to beat a soldier to death white brain, also in Fayeteville, North Carolina North! The assaults of white on black (very rare) are written with capital letters, while assaults by blacks on whites (daily occurrences) are written in lowercase, or directly, not written. Such designation of Jewish hate crime, together with the corresponding media attention, only applies, it seems, to the crimes of white against black. In the United States, a target has hundreds of times more likely to be attacked by a gang of blacks that a black man being attacked by a gang of whites. The white with whom none of this will boil the blood wanting to kill himself at all disgusting subhuman fucking around the world, he has the instincts poisoned, castrated daunt or removed. Anyone wishing to justify these crimes as "the fruit of marginalization" or discrimination, is an imbecile pusillanimous also deserve to be executed by traitor to his own biology and their own genes. Who find a connection to these crimes against Raza, you need a violent punishment. And, again, are just examples. Every day occur murders, rapes, robberies and similar attacks on the White Race around the world. This is not classified as "racial crimes," but as "the result of marginalization," "acts eventful" or similar politically correct euphemisms. What is a hate crime, it seems, is the defense of white youth in their own land, or any assault on a subhuman, even in self-defense. Very often the targets of murder and rape of white are part of initiation rituals in dark street gangs. How do you swallow it? Easy. They see the whites as harmless and defenseless victims, gentrification, soft and unable to stand up as one man in their interests. Non-whites see whites as harmless angels and castrated, whom violence is strange to them, and therefore are extremely scare in violent situations. We know well that fixing the old non-whites had with the ritual sacrifice of a pure and innocent victim. The background behind this mentality is: "you are about princesines not you coscáis how is the world, so there you go, made in Subhumanland, a good dose of raw, naked, brutal and harsh reality." They are wolves, and whites are the stupid sheep. And do not be mistaken: most of the white race is softened, hypnotized, drugged and idiotizada estrogen in a bubble of pleasure, electricity, plastic and lethargy. And as long be so, it will remain prey to the subhuman chupasangres. Hopefully this will serve to comrades and gentrification is more softened mentalicen of what we can expect in Europe within a few years since the U.S. is nothing but the vanguard of Europe in this sense: it is not surprising that "Racial Holy War "(Racial Holy War) has been a term of American origin. Why do we believe that these bands are formed of non-whites? They are seen as aimed at fighting a racial war against us! Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, net, Mara Salvatrucha, MS-18, Margaritas, various Islamic groups in Europe, and so on. And so on. And so on. One day they will leave next to the trifulcas that are between them and will take part in an uprising against whites. Grabaos blood and fire to this law of history: Wherever you are in the minority whites, if they are not backed by an ironclad system of authority, power and domination (such as the caste system in India or Apartheid South Africa), will eventually suffer violent attacks and, finally, genocide, by non-whites.
Lincoln Rockwell, Commander of the National Socialist People's Party Blanco, wrote in his book "White Power": These highly organized black people are familiar with violence, they know to use it and defend it. Millions of them even enjoy. It will not cause panic. But most white men have become spiritually soft in terms of being ready at the moment to moment, to fight to the death, personally. When these millions of black teenagers now learn that personal violence and terrorism in the streets of our big cities are adults and are heavily armed, as many are, will be ready for a revolution of personal violence which will leave stunned and helpless white man . I know these 'kids' blacks. They are so accustomed to violence and horror that they laugh in his presence. Do not fear the police, nor the guns, or knives - nothing. They have little to lose, and their status in their own black band is based on their total disregard for the danger and violence.
THIS WAS WRITTEN IN 1967, and since then the landscape has changed, and worse, much worse. Blacks and Hispanics in the U.S., such as non-whites in many other countries, has long been ready. The most representative is no doubt the United States, but the scenario is repeated also in Europe and Oceania. The whole West is threatened by the rising tide of dark seething. Today, in general, young non-whites are harder and more aggressive than whites. They are more accustomed to violence, have fought often, they know to handle weapons, you know kill without remorse, they were not afraid of risk and they care a turnip "get into trouble." Breed like rodents and walk our streets with arrogance because they know the system protects and pampers, and that can suck the blood white with impunity. A study in institutes Americans even showed that members of the dark races are on average more testosterone in the blood that young Western targets. Quite simply, your world is harder and more violent, and it encourages the rise of male impulses related to the territory and the attack, impulses that any race you need if you want to survive in the material world ... Non-whites are bleeding us. They deliver housing, aid as "ethnic minorities", ease of use and reproduction, papers, residence permits, clothes more expensive than ours and even cars. And yet they hate us to death, attack us, rob us, we violate and kill us, because everything we have is through and it reminds them every day their innate inferiority ** - and - mediocrity **. They are unable to live in peace with us, not themselves, or to build a prosperous future, and less without us. Your destination is lifted against us. It is law of nature, much older and much more compelling that the propaganda of four pro-liberal and pacifist whose bubble has long marijuana "is not of this world." Many of us not allow ourselves to be deceived. It should be prepared to leave the future racial war is to come. Non-whites, for his vigorous birth, are companies with plenty of young men. Whites, for our deplorable birth rate and increased life expectancy of women, we are a society with plenty of old women. The majority of our brothers are asleep and hypnotized by her life within the system, but the White Race should rise to the level of large masses to act with anger, desperation and indignation of someone who has been reduced to the minimum term and has nothing to lose except their lives. We want all the White Race is prepared for combat. We have the capability of organization, discipline and the media that have no non-whites. In the minority, but with better technology and training, this has been the constant racial wars throughout history. The only thing that remains is to know when our Raza shake off the yoke Jew. But there we go. NON-WHITES ARE THE DEMONS OF THE MATERIAL WORLD, BEINGS OF BLOOD impure, polluted and PURSUING involution ONLY BY resentment, and exterminate harm us. PREPARING TO BE LEAVING THE FIGHT BUT NOW!