It brings back to consciousness racial

For but from 2,000 years that we are seeing as our race this destroying itself and we are arriving at the aim. We are only 8% of the world-wide population. The white women in age to procreate are only 2%. The targets instead of to be united we are faced by strange subjects our race and our being. We make a little history, before the Christianisation of Europe, the white towns lived in perfect harmony. Greek and the Roman ones had reached a civilization degree, that never has been surpassed. All along it was in continuous creation and development. Even nowadays the great artists, scientists and philosophers watch Greece (she cradles of the white civilization). Other towns of Europe, that had not reached so high degree of civilization, like for example the vikingos, also stood out by their sense of honor, of having and it brings back to consciousness of blood. This it brings back to consciousness, the one of blood, race, of town, is the one that maintains lives to a race, a town, a Nation. With the lost one of it brings back to consciousness racial, Greece sank in the degradation, homosexuality and the racial mixture. With the arrival of the Christianity, Europe was field of religious wars that lasted hundreds of years. Million people died by the simple fact of not adoring to God (that was a strange God, for old the European). Defendant of satanistas, herejes and sorceresses, thousands of targets were assassinated by the inquisición. In the name of God, catholics and protestants faced during centuries, spilling white blood by all Europe. Nowadays young targets are even victims of attacks, by religious fanatics. When a race faces, when brother of blood they are killed in the name of a foreign God, this race to lost his brings back to consciousness of blood. We have become predators of our own species. In century XIX, when it seemed that the religious wars had arrived at their aim, Europe began to be divided and whole nations divided themselves in small states, the political borders supplanted to the blood borders. Fratricidal wars begin, that left as balance million dead targets. In century XX, two world wars, take to our race to the abyss. II the world war, was a racial war, the Nazi Germany, that thanks to ADOLF HITLER, had obtained for the first time in two thousand years that a town, recovered his brings back to consciousness of race; vilely it was attacked and destroyed. In the name of the democracy and " libertad" the liberal ones, assassinated to million innocents. The Comunism, I face the towns, followed one another bloody civil wars (ex. Spain) and 50.000.000 of targets before died and after the revolution Bolshevik. Nowadays our completely degraded race to. We defend " derechos" of black, Jews, natives, homosexuals, sidosos, drug addicts, etc. While our race is 8% of the world-wide population. And every day I number of targets is descending. The lack of brings back to consciousness racial, has taken to the racial, suicidal mixture of our race. Everything what forms the character of our race, this losing itself completely. I number of interracial pairs increases, are but the white women who abort that those that has children. We are seeing like our race this being exterminated by treasonous and conspirators, and every day that happens, we came near but and but to the aim of our race. It is too much behind schedule, to save to our race. That not it, I hope that no. But we did not fight nor we worked by our race, surely is our aim. We do not have to hope that others do the work that corresponds to us. We cannot continue waiting for a new generation, in our hands this the future of our race. We cannot continue waiting for a FÜHRER, never in history were two leaders in a same century, Adolf Hitler mark the way to us, leave a legacy us, we must finalize the task that was begun but of 60 years ago: to recover our BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS RACIAL. This good to speak of economic policies, social justice, of revisionism, but the German town at the time of III the Reich, had not secured to the happiness and the inner well-being, like town and like Nation, because the government I finish with leisure, I improve the pays, the quality of life, etc. The German town secured to the happiness and the inner well-being, because it had recovered his BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS OF RACE, blood, of town, of nation. Don't mention it serves, to continue speaking of economic and social policies, if our race this in extinction danger. Many say, that he is not advisable to speak of the racial subject if we are not in the power. But, it is that we cannot hope but; our RACE and the future of our CHILDREN is at the present time our priority. And who say that the racial subject does not have importance or that are secondary, I do not consider groups of comrades. I do not want and I try to be inferior to the political parties National Revolutionaries, evil called by means of " ultraderecha" , that in their rows counts many proud targets. But, these still are very far from securing a political power, that it can act to the benefit of our race. We must stop speaking and conducting battle. Propaganda, propaganda and propaganda. That is first, to show to him our people, that we are not majority as the average ones want to make believe to us but we are a minority and we are in extinction danger. Through the propaganda, we must try and to obtain that our people recover his BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS RACIAL. That one feels Proud of being White, that this proud one by its roots and their traditions, that its culture defends, to its family, our women and our children who are the future of our Race. The white activists we are a minority within our Race. We have our own people, and to means against, the police forces, our governments occupied and to the left militants, libertarios and homosexuals. We must before nothing to be united, not to walk each by its side, the UNION gives the force us, to begin this fight. For 2,000 years the Zionist propaganda, has washed the brain of our people, causing who we hate ourselves between us, who we defend " derechos" of other races before ours, that due to being white we must feel shame and disgust. Well, in us this the power to revert this situation, we flood the streets and the cities with posters, steering wheels, stickers. We publish fanzines, newspapers, pages Web; but we do not remain in the doctrinal aspect and philosophical, we give alternatives, advice, we support the groups in formation. To educate to children and young people, to train militants fused with our cause nonpendencieros and mercenary. We must be in continuous Revolution, we do not have to remain solely in the scheme of the Germany of the years ' 30. We are another generation (it completes perhaps it), we are at the beginning of new CENTURY. We have to our backs sixty years of calumnies and defamations. The Jews, treasonous of the race and black have but power that never. The present situation differs in several aspects with the one from Germany from ' 30. The stagnation is the worse thing than it can happen to him to a revolutionary group. We must be strong, intelligent, do not have to fall in the sectarianism nor in forming violent groups. We want that our people love to us not that she hates to us. Violence, if, but to defend to us solely, it does not stop to be circus of the Zionist press. We do not have to hate nor to despise to the other races, we must love ours. Our people must include/understand that the equality does not exist, that the targets we are different from the black and these are different from the yellows as well. And in that difference, are the virtues of each race. Our fight is by sagradas the 14 Words ...... " We must assure the existence our Race and a future for the Blancos" children;. We finish with the micro-nationalisms, internal fights to see that are " jefe" , rivalries and envies, separated we will not arrive at anything, united we even have hopes. Perhaps nobody promises a victory, we obtain never it, but we will die knowing that we tried at least it. If our people recover his brings back to consciousness, if she listens to the call of its blood, if full of pride and love by our race, there are no doubts, the enemy cannot against us and on this planet, will be never but times of no darkness. The progress, the beauty and the civilization, will return and will be the beginning of a new era of prosperity and advances for our Race.

division aria

Published by baldur 88 under on 20:28
The Aryan race is divided into 3 sub-racial groups: Alpine, Nordic and Mediterranean, each of these groups is part of another group or to a lesser or greater extent. No one can speak of a clear superiority of one of these divisions of the Aryan race on the other, however the differences in the contributions are evident, especially in technological inputs and the Alpine Nordic, reserving the Mediterranean great works of literature and arts.

88 Precepts

Published by baldur 88 under on 15:42

Until the white race realizes that there is only one source from which we can ascertain lasting truths, there will never be peace or stability on this earth. In the immutable Laws of Nature are the keys to life, order, and understanding. The words of men, even those which some consider "inspired" are subject to the translations, vocabulary, additions, subtractions, and distortions of fallible mortals. Therefore, every writing or influence, ancient or modern, must be strained through the test of conformity to Natural Law. The White Peoples of the earth must collectively understand that they are equally subject to the iron-hard Laws of Nature with every other creature of the Universe, or they will not secure peace, safety, nor even their existence. The world is in flames because Races, Sub-races, Nations, and Cultures are being forced to violate their own Nature-ordained instincts for self-preservation. Many men of good will, but little understanding, are struggling against symptoms which are the result of disobedience to Natural Law. As is the Nature of Man, most take narrow, provincial stances predicated on views formed by immediate environment, current circumstances, and conditioned dogma. This is encouraged by that powerful and ruthless Tribe which has controlled the affairs of the world for untold centuries by exploiting Man's most base instincts. Conflict among and between the unenlightened serves as their mask and shield. A deeper understanding of the Fundamental Laws that govern the affairs of Men is necessary if we are to save civilization from its usurious executioners. The following are not intended to provide a detailed system of government, but as PRECEPTS which, when understood, will benefit and preserve a People as individuals and as a Nation.
1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.2. Whatever People’s perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature’s Law are the work of, and therefore the intent of, that Force.3. God and religion are distinct, separate and often conflicting concepts. Nature evidences the divine plan, for the natural world is the work of the force or the intelligence men call God. Religion is the creation of mortals, therefore predestined to fallibility. Religion may preserve or destroy a People, depending on the structure given by its progenitors, the motives of its agents and the vagaries of historical circumstances.4. The truest form of prayer is communion with Nature. It is not vocal. Go to a lonely spot, if possible a mountaintop, on a clear, star-lit night, ponder the majesty and order of the infinite macrocosm. Then consider the intricacies of the equally infinite microcosm. Understand that you are on the one hand inconsequential beyond comprehension in the size of things, and on the other hand, you are potentially valuable beyond comprehension as a link in destiny’s chain. There you begin to understand how pride and self can co-exist with respect and reverence. There we find harmony with Nature and with harmony comes strength, peace and certainty.5. Secular power systems protect and promote religions, which teach of an after-life. Thus, people are taught to abandon defenses against the predators of this life.6. History, both secular and religious, is a fable conceived in self-serving deceit and promulgated by those who perceive benefits.7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbology of a People and their culture. A multiracial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and value necessary to the survival of a race.8. What men call the “super natural” is actually the “natural” not yet understood or revealed.9. A proliferation of laws with the resultant loss of freedom is a sign of, and directly proportional to, spiritual sickness in a Nation.10. If a Nation is devoid of spiritual health and moral character, then government and unprincipled men will fill the vacancy. Therefore, freedom prospers in moral values and tyranny thrives in moral decay.11. Truth requires little explanation. Therefore, beware of verbose doctrines. The great principles are revealed in brevity.12. Truth does not fear investigation.13. Unfounded belief is pitfall. A People who do not check the validity and effect of their beliefs with reason will suffer or perish.14. In accord with Nature’s Laws, nothing is more right than the preservation of one’s own race.15. No greater motivating force exists than the certain conviction that one is right.16. Discernment is a sign of a healthy People. In a sick or dying nation, civilization, culture or race, substance is abandoned in favor of appearance.17. Discernment includes the ability to recognize the difference between belief and demonstrable reality.18. There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature. The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may purchase life by obedience to nature- ordained instincts for vigilance and flight. Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness. These circumstances may be purchased by oneself, by one’s family, by one’s tribe or by one’s ancestors, but they are nonetheless purchases and are not rights. Furthermore, the value of these purchases can only be maintained through vigilance and obedience to Natural Law.19. A people who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish.20. The White race has suffered invasions and brutality from Africa and Asia for thousands of years. For example, Attila and the Asiatic Huns who invaded Europe in the 5th century, raping, plundering and killing from the Alps to the Baltic and the Caspian Seas. This scenario was repeated by the Mongols of Genghis Khan 800 years later. (Note here that the American Indians are not “Native Americans,” but are racially Mongolians.) In the 8th century, hundreds of years before Negroes were brought to America, the North African Moors of mixed racial background invaded and conquered Portugal, Spain and part of France. So, the attempted guilt-trip placed on the White race by civilization’s executioners is invalid under both historical circumstance and the Natural Law which denies inter-specie compassion. The fact is, all races have benefited immeasurably from the creative genius of the Aryan People.21. People who allow others not of their race to live among them will perish, because the inevitable result of a racial integration is racial inter-breeding which destroys the characteristics and existence of a race. Forced integration is deliberate and malicious genocide, particularly for a People like the White race, who are now a small minority in the world.22. In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive.23. Political, economic, and religious systems may be destroyed and resurrected by men, but the death of a race is eternal.24. No race of People can indefinitely continue their existence without territorial imperatives in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind.25. A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.26. Nature has put a certain antipathy between races and species to preserve the individuality and existence of each. Violation of the territorial imperative necessary to preserve that antipathy leads to either conflict or mongrelization.27. It is not constructive to hate those of other races, or even those of mixed races. But a separation must be maintained for the survival of one’s own race. One must, however, hate with a pure and perfect hatred those of one’s own race who commit treason against one’s own kind and against the nations of one’s own kind. One must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy one’s People, one’s culture, or the racial exclusiveness of one’s territorial imperative.28. The concept of a multi-racial society violates every Natural Law for specie preservation.29. The concept of “equality” is declared a lie by every evidence of Nature. It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, or culture. In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse you would first have to cripple the race horse; conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse. In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence.30. The instincts for racial and specie preservation are ordained by Nature.31. Instincts are Nature’s perfect mechanism for the survival of each race and specie. The human weakness of rationalizing situations for self-gratification must not be permitted to interfere with these instincts.32. Miscegenation, that is race-mixing, is and has always been, the greatest threat to the survival of the Aryan race.33. Inter-specie compassion is contrary to the Laws of Nature and is, therefore, suicidal. If a wolf were to intercede to save a lamb from a lion, he would be killed. Today, we see the White man taxed so heavily that he cannot afford children. The taxes raised are then used to support the breeding of tens of millions of non-whites, many of whom then demand the last White females for breeding partners. As you can see, man is subject to all the Laws of Nature. This has nothing to do with morality, hatred, good or evil. Nature does not recognize the concepts of good and evil in inter-specie relationships. If the lion eats the lamb, it is good for the lion and evil for the lamb. If the lamb escapes and the lion starves, it is good for the lamb and evil for the lion. So, we see the same incident is labeled both good and evil. This cannot be, for there are no contradictions within Nature’s Laws.34. The instinct for sexual union is part of Nature’s perfect mechanism for specie preservation. It begins early in life and often continues until late in life. It must not be repressed; its purpose, reproduction, must not be thwarted either. Understand that for thousands of years our females bore children at an early age. Now, in an attempt to conform to and compete in an alien culture, they deny their Nature-ordained instincts and duties. Teach responsibility, but, also, have understanding. The life of a race springs from the wombs of its women. He who would judge must first understand the difference between what is good and what is right.35. Homosexuality is a crime against Nature. All Nature declares the purpose of the instinct for sexual union is reproduction and thus, preservations of the specie. The overpowering male sex drive must be channeled toward possession of females, as well as elements such as territory and power, which are necessary to keep them.36. Sexual pornography degrades the Nature of all who are involved. A beautiful nude woman is art; a camera between her knees to explore her private parts is pornography.37. That race whose males will not fight to death to keep and mate with their females will perish. Any White man with healthy instincts feels disgust and revulsion when he sees a woman of his race with a man of another race. Those, who today control the media and affairs of the Western World, teach that this is wrong and shameful. They label it “racism.” As any “ism,” for instance the word “nationalism,” means to promote one’s own nation; “racism” merely means to promote and protect the life of one’s own race. It is, perhaps, the proudest word in existence. Any man who disobey these instincts is anti-Nature.38. In a sick and dying nation, culture, race or civilization, political dissent and traditional values will be labeled and persecuted as heinous crimes by inquisitors clothing themselves in jingoistic patriotism.39. A People who are ignorant of their past will defile the present and destroy the future.40. A race must honor above all earthly things, those who have given their lives or freedom for the preservation of the folk.41. The folk, namely the members of the race, are the Nation. Racial loyalties must always supersede geographical and national boundaries. If this is taught and understood, it will end fratricidal wars. Wars must not be fought for the benefit of another race.42. The Nations’ leaders are not rulers, they are servants and guardians. They are not to serve for personal gain. Choose only a guardian who has no interest in the accumulation of material things.43. Choose and judge your leaders, also called guardians, thus: Those who seek always to limit the power of government are of good heart and conscience. Those who seek to expand the power of government are base tyrants.44. No government can give anything to anybody without first taking it from another. Government is, by its very nature, legalized taking. A limited amount of government is a necessary burden for national defense and internal order. Anything more is counterproductive to freedom and liberty.45. The Organic founding Law, namely the Constitution of a Nation, must not be amendable by any method other than unanimous consent of all parties thereto and with all parties present. Otherwise, the doors are opened for the advent of that most dangerous and deadly form of government, democracy.46. In a democracy those who control the media, and thus the minds of the electorate, have power undreamed by kings or dictators.47. The simplest way to describe a democracy is this: Three people form a government, each having one vote. Then two of them vote to steal the wealth of the third.48. The latter stages of a democracy are filled with foreign wars, because the bankrupt system attempts to preserve itself by plundering other nations.49. In a democracy that which is legal is seldom moral, and that which is moral is often illegal.50. A democracy is always followed by a strongman... some call him dictator. It is the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by a democracy. Pick your strongman wisely! He must be a guardian in his heart. He must be one who has shown that his only purpose in life is the preservation of the folk. His ultimate aim must be to restore the rule of Law based on the perfect Laws of Nature. Do not choose him by his words. Choose one who has sacrificed all in the face of tyranny; choose one who has endured and persevered. This is the only reliable evidence of his worthiness and motives.51. A power system will do anything, no matter how corrupt or brutal, to preserve itself.52. Tyrannies cannot be ended without the use of force.53. Those who commit treason disguise their deeds in proclamations of patriotism.54. Propaganda is major component in all power systems, both secular and religious; false propaganda is a major component of unprincipled power systems. All power systems endeavor to convince their subjects that the system is good, just, beneficent and noble, as well as worthy of perpetuation and defense. The more jingoistic propaganda issued, the more suspicious one should be of its truth.55. Political power, in the final analysis, is created and maintained by force.56. A power system, secular or religious, which employs extensive calls to patriotism or requires verbosity and rhetoric for its preservation, is masking tyranny.57. Propaganda is a legitimate and necessary weapon in any struggle. The elements of successful propaganda are: simplicity, emotion, repetition, and brevity. Also, since men believe what they want to believe, and since they want to believe that which they perceive as beneficial to themselves, then successful propaganda must appeal to the perceived selfinterest of those to whom it is disseminated.58. Tyrannies teach what to think; free men learn how to think.59. Beware of men who increase their wealth by the use of words. Particularly beware of the lawyers or priests who deny Natural Law.60. The patriot, being led to the inquisition’s dungeons or the executioner’s axe, will be condemned the loudest by his former friends and allies; for thus they seek to escape the same fate.61. The sweet goddess of Peace lives only under the protective arm of the ready God of War.62. The organic founding Law of a Nation must state with unmistakable and irrevocable specificity the identity of the homogeneous racial, cultural group for whose welfare it was formed, and that the continued existence of the Nation is singularly for all time for the welfare of that specific group only.63. That race or culture which lets others influence or control any of the following will perish:• Organs of information;• Educational institutions;• Religious institutions;• Political offices;• Creation of their money;• Judicial institutions;• Cultural institutions;• Economic life.64. Just Laws require little explanation. Their meaning is irrevocable in simplicity and specificity.65. Men’s emotions are stirred far more effectively by the spoken word than by the written word. This is why a ruling tyranny will react more violently to gatherings of dissenters than to books or pamphlets.66. The organic founding Law of the Nation, or any law, is exactly as pertinent as the will and power to enforce it.67. An unarmed or non-militant People will be enslaved.68. Some say the pen is more powerful than the sword. Perhaps so. Yet, the pen without the sword has no authority.69. Tyrannies are usually built step by step and disguised by noble rhetoric.70. The difference between a terrorist and a patriot is control of the press.71. The judgments of the guardians, the leaders, must be true to Natural Law and tempered by reason.72. Materialism is base and destructive. The guardians of a Nation must constantly warn against and combat a materialistic spirit in the Nation. Acquisition of wealth and property, as need for the well-being of one’s family and obtained by honorable means is right and proper. Exploitation, particularly through usury, is destructive to a nation.73. Materialism leads men to seek artificial status through wealth or property. True social status comes from service to Family, Race and Nation.74. Materialism ultimately leads to conspicuous, unnecessary consumption, which in turn leads to the rape of Nature and destruction of the environment. It is unnatural. The true guardians of the Nation must be wholly untainted by materialism.75. The function of a merchant or salesman is to provide a method of exchange. A merchant who promotes unnecessary consumption and materialism must not be tolerated.76. The only lawful functions of money are as a medium of exchange and especially usury are unlawful. Usury (interest) at any percentage is a high crime which cannot be tolerated.77. A nation with an aristocracy of money, lawyers or merchants will become a tyranny.78. The simplest way to describe a usury-based central banking system is this: The bankers demand the property of the Nation as collateral for their loans. At interest, more money is owed them that they created with the loans. So, eventually, the bankers foreclose on the Nation.79. Usury (interest), inflation, and oppressive taxation are the theft by deception and destroy the moral fabric of the Nation.80. Wealth gained without sacrifices or honest labor will usually be misused.81. Nothing in Nature is static; either the life force grows and expands or it decays and dies.82. Respect must be earned; it cannot be demanded or assumed.83. Avoid a vexatious man, for his venom will poison your own nature.84. Self discipline is a mark of higher man.85. One measure of a man is cheerfulness in adversity.86. A fool judges others by their words. A wise man judges others by their actions and accomplishments.87. In our relationships or interactions, as in all of Nature’s Laws, to each action there is a reaction. That which we plant will be harvested, if not by ourselves, then by another.88. These are sure signs of a sick or dying Nation. If you see any of them, your guardians are committing treason.• Mixing and destruction of the founding race;• Destruction of the family units;• Oppressive taxation;• Corruption of the Law;• Terror and suppression against those who warn of the Nation’s error;• Immorality: drugs, drunkenness, etc.;• Infanticide (now called abortion);• Destruction of the currency (inflation or usury);• Aliens in the land, alien culture;• Materialism;• Foreign wars;• Guardians (leaders) who pursue wealth or glory;• Homosexuality;• Religion not based on Natural Law.

Heinrich Himmler,

Published by baldur 88 under on 14:20
Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900 in Munich, the son of Gebhard Himmler and Anna Heyden. His first name was received from his godfather, Prince Heinrich of Bavaria, who had been educated by Gebhard. In his home religiosity father reigned strong Catholic and nationalist-minded and conservative. Member of the German Navy during the First World War, was among the first to join the fledgling National Party-Socialist German Workers (NSDAP). Participated in the Putsch of Nov. 9 1923 and was secretary of his friend Gregor Strasser. It soon attracted the attention of Hitler, who in 1929 appointed him head of his personal guard, the Schutzstaffel (SS) or "protective squadron". The SS was created to defend Hitler of the many trouble-makers and assassins Marxist incidents and altercations that led to acts of the NSDAP. Following the rise of the Nazis to power, Himmler he became head of the state's secret police (Gestapo, "Geheim Staatspolizei"). Become supreme leader of the German police, his office and his control over the SS turned him into one of the most powerful of the Reich. Appointed Minister of Interior of the Reich in November 1944, became one of the few people in the total confidence of the Führer. In January 1945 he was at the head of an army on the Eastern Front. In 1945, to be occupied Germany, was captured by the British and interned in a concentration camp, but the principle was not recognized. When the British discovered he was poisoned on May 23, 1945 with a poison capsule wearing masks. I knew all the secrets they carried with him to the grave. Himmler, as head of the SS, the "Black Order", restored and organized a series of castles, of which the most important was the Wewelsburg (near Paderborn). Two amazing letters of Heinrich Himmler Around the figure of Heinrich Himmler, there are many legends. Even in historical works "official" we are amazing things about her figure. For example, in the book "Der Führerstaat" ( "The State of the Führer"), by Norbert Frei, in the series' neuesten Deutsche Geschichte der Zeit "(" German History of recent times ") are some letters of Himmler , Which did not match the picture today is generally of him. Thus, in late March 1944, specifically on June 31, when the course of the war was supposedly against the Reich, Himmler still amazingly found time to write the following letter to Prof. SS-Oberführer. Dr. Walter Wüst, in which Himmler seems to have no plans to lose the war and whose translation is as follows: '31-03-1944 To: Prof SS-Oberführer. Dr. Walter Wüst, Secretary General of the 'Ahnenerbe e.V.'1 With regard to future climate research, we certainly want to create after the war systematically through the organization of countless individual observations, I ask please pay attention to the following facts: The roots or bulbs of the cólquicos2 are in different years in different depth in the soil. The more profound grow, the stronger the winter, the closer you are to the surface, is the mildest winter. The Führer called my attention to this fact. H. Himmler. "3 Translator's notes: 1 .- "Ahnenerbe, Registered Society" was an organization of the SS which dealt mainly with racial issues, such as seeking the origins of the Aryan race and ensure its survival. Thus, capes studies led to racial, genetics and on issues such as the ancient Nordic culture and the runic writing. 2 .- "Colchicum" is an herb of the family of Liliaceae. 3 .- Charter reproduced in its original German on page 200 of the tome "Der Führerstaat" by Norbert Frei, in the collection "Deutsche Geschichte der Zeit neuesten," Munich, 1987. This letter of March 31 1944 explicitly mentions a "future climate research" that would develop "after the war" (!). How can we explain that Heinrich Himmler, who undoubtedly knew the course of the war, spoke in terms of the future in March 1944, when he supposedly because the war was being lost by the Reich? Himmler enjoyed the full confidence of Hitler, which, logically, it was not usual, because Hitler could not give away your trust anyone. So that probably Himmler, head of the SS and the Gestapo, was one of the few to which Hitler hoped the highest secrets of the Third Reich. We can only wonder: Was Himmler connoisseur of plans or events as significant as not to believe in a defeat of the Third Reich, as is clear from this letter? Why not if Himmler spoke of plans for the future if Germany was reportedly losing the war? Such a letter can only be explained if they knew what Himmler on UFOs and the Third Reich Neuschwabenland. Among the topics it covers, weather and crops, it appears that he was aware or even directing plans for establishing colonies of the Reich outside the territory of Germany in Europe, for example Neuschwabenland, but also worked in other colonies or bases hidden in South America, Greenland or even underwater, as in the Canary Islands. All these plans of climate research and cultivation of plants seem to indicate that the secret bases of the Third Reich were created to be autonomous in terms of resources, such as food. And precisely this concern for agriculture, climate and food resources shows that were thought to establish in these colonies considerable masses of people. On March 28, 1938 Himmler wrote to the same recipient: '28-03-1938 To: Prof SS-Sturmbannführer. Dr. Walter Wüst President of the 'Ahnenerbe e.V.' Dear Professor Wüst! Today I would like to return to the issue of the science of calendars, on which he once wrote. Above all should be clarified whether there had been two kinds of calculations regarding the partition of the year, to be precise 13 months according to the lunar months of 28 days and after 12 months arbitrarily set. Since when there are different eras? We should draw on lessons from the glacial cosmogony, as the lunar months of 28 days can only exist since the moon orbits the Earth. In this context there sure a lot of questions more. Heil Hitler! Sincerely, H. Himmler. "1


Published by baldur 88 under on 20:31

In modern Western civilization, some might abscond or consolation to think that all the warnings they do and all the signs they see daily in the streets are just phrases without a real consequence, or small details without much importance. Now we will see that it is not. The facts show that the propaganda system is strong among calando inferior races, and also in his other line, in the White Race, making her fear, passivity and inaction over what is epic. What we are now narraré acts that demonstrate, not simply need to theft, simple aggression or any other benefit twisted, but an immeasurable, resentful and sick hatred of everything white. This is not just criminal acts, but of cowardice and savagery that we drew the resentment that ferments from sickly non-whites. I'm putting the example of the United States, where racial tensions are more rooted and the flowers of the skin, but we all know how these things are also happening in Europe, where similar cases have happened, especially at the hands of Moors. The fact is that the U.S. takes a lot on this, and as to experience racist, they are light years away from us. Any comrade aware that in the NS American, is not spoken rather than race, race and ethnicity. Based on that the U.S. is a vanguard of Europe in this regard, we all see what awaits us in a few years:
In Miami, Florida, in 1992, seven whites were killed by members of the "Worship of Yahweh", to which they are asked to bring an ear of each victim as evidence. The trial of this case was at the same time that the incident of the famous black junkie Rodney King, who led the famous riots in Los Angeles so well that came to distract the attention on this ritual murder. In short: seven whites are murdered and no one says anything, nobody rides riots, no one recorded it on video, no one cries out to heaven or ripping their hair or arms upward in a gesture of "oh Lord, but why?". A black drug addict who assaulted two police officers is beaten by these same policemen, and the lees of the octopus because of a cabroncete who was recording the video-deserved beating. - In Media, Pennsylvania, 20 / 10 / 1996, a black man named Arthur Bomar deliberately crashed the car of Aimee Willard, a white university 22 years. When she left the car to check the damage, the murdered black beaten with an iron bar. Subsequently, the black undressed the corpse and raped her.

- In Charleston, South Carolina, 1997, a white woman, Melissa McLaughlin, was raped for hours by seven blacks. Afterwards, thrown into a bathtub filled with bleach and there skinned alive with knives. This disgusting crime did not appear in any media nationally, because the victim was a white woman and the perpetrators were seven black bastards, cowards and thus deserve a slow death, painful and desperate. If some whites had committed a crime against a black ten times less bestial, this would have appeared as a racist event, and had been aired to the four winds as an example of racist hatred of the white man. Even today had continued to make documentaries on each anniversary of such a crime. - In Denver, Colorado, 30 / 5 / 1998, a white fourteen years, Duval called Brandy, was abducted by a well-known black and Hispanic gang called "Bloods" at a bus stop. Having once taken to a remote area, raped her by turns, and then raped her sharply with a broomstick. Later, the murdered stabbing 28 times and dumped his body in a ditch. - In Wilmington, Delaware, in the Spring of 1998, a black man named Flagg, after having drugged with crack, entered into a white residential area, where he saw Mrs. Puglisi working in his garden. The black came into his house through the back door, ransacked the fridge, ate what they wanted and waited quietly. When Mr Puglisi entered the house, the black shot and killed him. Then the black kidnapped Mrs. Puglisi, taking it to his own house, where fastened, and for 8 days, raped, tortured and humiliated. Mrs. Puglisi was able to escape and inform the police. The crime was censored in all media, except in the Wilmington area.

- In Cleveland, Ohio, 28 / 6 / 1998, Devon Duniver, a white girl, 5 years, was killed by a black teenager named Anthony Harris, who said later that "was what he deserved." (¡!)- In Fayetteville, North Carolina, 17 / 8 / 1998, two young white women, Tracy Lambert (18) and Susan Moore (25 years) were returning by car to their homes after work when they were abducted by members of a famous black and Hispanic gang called "Crips" means subhuman, through friendly gestures, asked the white youths who stopped the vehicle, after which seized him, to put the white in the trunk and went to a Solitary field near the military base at Fort Bragg. Brought to the youth of the trunk, put on the knees and gave each a shot in the neck. It was an initiation ceremony for two new members of the band, and required that each murdered a white person.

- In Bourlington, North Carolina, 16 / 10 / 1998, Tiffany Nicole Long, a 10-year-old white girl, was abducted by three black teenagers: Joseph Jones (13 years), Harold Jones (16) and Dorthia Bynum (black, 17 years). Blacks took Tiffany behind a garage that was nearby, tied a cable television around his neck and raped her. When the men finished, the black teenager grabbed a broomstick and he raped the girl so violently that the white stick pierced her uterine wall and came to the chest: Tiffany died from impalement atrocious pains, while the remataban hitting it with a table timber. This crime, typically subhuman, was only mentioned in the local media, which covered over to make it clear that "race has nothing to do" and omitting the cruelty and hatred that is divine in this crime.

In Alexandria, Virginia, a white child of 8 years died when a black man cut his throat. The black in question also stabbed his grandmother 80 years and gave him a punch in the stomach. The police found a handwritten note that it was "Kill them raceess whiate Kidd's anyway", which translated to the Castilian deplorable and without the misspellings, would mean: "Killing children white racist in any way." - At an institute in Boulder, Colorado, a white student was raped and shift gunpoint by 6 Asians who subsequently admitted to the police who raped her "because he was blond and white." - In Atlanta, Georgia, on July 7, 2006, Jordin Paulder, a white child of 7 years, tried to help a Hispanic thing that he was not going well in your car. Hispanics gave him in the head with an ax, killing him.

THE MASSACRE OF Knoxville, Tennessee, 7, 2007. Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., (23 years) and his girlfriend Channon Gail Christian (21 years) went out at night to a restaurant and never returned. At gun point, were kidnapped, bound, gagged and blindfolded by the animals in the photo below, which took them by car to an apartment he had rented one of them.

The perpetrators: Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman. The best of each house, come on. Go pints of minced meat.

There, Christopher raped and cut off his penis while he forced his girlfriend to watch. Then I took out some railroad tracks, fire, and finally shot it. What he hoped it would be even worse. For four days she was tortured and raped in a group anal, oral and vaginally by all of them took turns in urine while on top. In the end, he cut off a breast, poured chemicals through your throat (in an alleged attempt to eliminate genetic clues left by his semen) and fire. Subsequently, dismembered limbs and introduced the remains of his body into five garbage bags. This crime was never mentioned in the national media Americans. There was a wave of outrage and an e-mail message with the description of the crime turned around to the United States.

The victims: Channon and Christopher, brothers our blood, which had an atrocious death

THE 'SLAUGHTER (also known as "The Horror") of Wichita "AS EXAMPLE OF DECENT ANALYSIS Wichita (Kansas), Dec 14, 2000. TWO BLACK, the Carr brothers, with one kidnapped GUN TARGETS FOUR (three men and one woman), leaving the white house in two cars. For several hours, whites cooperated with the two blacks, along with several ATMs where blacks make them juicy sums of money. Subsequently, blacks led them to a snowy soccer field where blacks TURNER IN VIOLATING HIS TWO WOMEN, anal and vaginal. Later, forced to kneel at the five and shot one by one in the neck. Then, atropellaron the corpses with his van. As icing on the cake that crown, beating Blacks killed the dog that one of the couples had at home. They are cute, these black people, huh? Here you are, what macaques drugged:

The Carr brothers, perpetrators of the Slaughter of Wichita.
Only one of the women survived, thanks to a pin of plastic that had been in the hair, and that helped deflect the bullet. After the black marches, ran out, naked, through more than a mile and a half of ice cream field, to seek medical attention and report the crime. Was diagnosed with a venereal disease, courtesy of Reginald Carr, one of the brothers who raped her.
Well, now we read between the lines and look under a National Socialist point of view. 1 - When leaving the house of those white (but wretched cowards), only one of the cars was under the command of one of the black pistol. What happened in the other? He was without gun! Why future victims were traveling in that car are not revolted? Do we thought that "being good" and would cooperate saved? Dreamers. Or perhaps in that car would just disarmed the black? 2 - The three white guys were nothing while blacks took turns in raping their women! While one of them was in violation with lewdness, may have been jumping all three at once on the other black, even if it be the gun, and reduced. At most, one of the targets had been wounded (or dead, dammit, is what we have!). But did nothing because they thought that "behaving well" and not intervening, leaving the dirty black raping their women, save his own skin. Besides cowardly, selfish, they were only hoping to shift the "nightmare" to return to their tasteless bourgeois bubble and forget and with antidepressants compulsive occupations. 3 - The woman who survived, he admitted that at one point, had a hand gun of blacks. Had only needed fuck, mount, secure and remove the threat or pull the trigger. But, a) I did not know the gun handle (wrong, you should know the world in which we live, especially in the United States). Or, b) He did not want to do anything for fear of doing something wrong. So pretty, in this case, kill had been the right thing. Would have saved the lives of your friends and your own, and in addition you would have saved the world a couple of orcs of Mordor, thousands left over. 4 - THE FIVE EXPECT FROM KNEE WHILE THE BLACK EXECUTIVES ONE TO ONE SHOOTING, A SHOOTING, Quiet! None was lifted, none tried to escape, despite the fact that they saw no more nonsense and that they were going to die! None resisted, as if the five have jumped on blacks, had been able to reduce, or at least put things more difficult! 5 - (By way of conclusion.) Two thousand years of pacifist propaganda, compassionate and gentle, have assembled in the most affluent of the white population. They are not prepared to fight, nor for their homes, either by their wives, not even for their own lives! Under the biological point of view of Nature and Natural Selection, as men are a complete failure and deserved to die. 6 - (By way of moral): Do not be LAMB AS A KILL! DALES PROBLEMS! SEAS NO ONE VICTIM'S EASY! Dying with one stone, defendiéndote, is a thousand times more honorable to be run like a bug.
These events occur very frequently, not only in America but throughout the West. And are daily occurrences. ¿Puts the hair-raising, or not? If the races of one of these cases had been exchanged for a perpetrator to victim, the media had done a huge echoed, branded as hate crime (hate crime). When a white exercised violence against a black, you get a disproportionate attention, and front pages in all newspapers. Thus, the entire American nation knew that a white dragged to death a black man with his van in Jasper, Texas, but so when he heard a black man dragged to death in a helicopter with his car in Streator, Illinois. Every American knew that a white soldier killed a drug dealer in black Fayeteville, North Carolina, but nothing was revealed when seven black soldiers teamed up to beat a soldier to death white brain, also in Fayeteville, North Carolina North! The assaults of white on black (very rare) are written with capital letters, while assaults by blacks on whites (daily occurrences) are written in lowercase, or directly, not written. Such designation of Jewish hate crime, together with the corresponding media attention, only applies, it seems, to the crimes of white against black. In the United States, a target has hundreds of times more likely to be attacked by a gang of blacks that a black man being attacked by a gang of whites. The white with whom none of this will boil the blood wanting to kill himself at all disgusting subhuman fucking around the world, he has the instincts poisoned, castrated daunt or removed. Anyone wishing to justify these crimes as "the fruit of marginalization" or discrimination, is an imbecile pusillanimous also deserve to be executed by traitor to his own biology and their own genes. Who find a connection to these crimes against Raza, you need a violent punishment. And, again, are just examples. Every day occur murders, rapes, robberies and similar attacks on the White Race around the world. This is not classified as "racial crimes," but as "the result of marginalization," "acts eventful" or similar politically correct euphemisms. What is a hate crime, it seems, is the defense of white youth in their own land, or any assault on a subhuman, even in self-defense. Very often the targets of murder and rape of white are part of initiation rituals in dark street gangs. How do you swallow it? Easy. They see the whites as harmless and defenseless victims, gentrification, soft and unable to stand up as one man in their interests. Non-whites see whites as harmless angels and castrated, whom violence is strange to them, and therefore are extremely scare in violent situations. We know well that fixing the old non-whites had with the ritual sacrifice of a pure and innocent victim. The background behind this mentality is: "you are about princesines not you coscáis how is the world, so there you go, made in Subhumanland, a good dose of raw, naked, brutal and harsh reality." They are wolves, and whites are the stupid sheep. And do not be mistaken: most of the white race is softened, hypnotized, drugged and idiotizada estrogen in a bubble of pleasure, electricity, plastic and lethargy. And as long be so, it will remain prey to the subhuman chupasangres. Hopefully this will serve to comrades and gentrification is more softened mentalicen of what we can expect in Europe within a few years since the U.S. is nothing but the vanguard of Europe in this sense: it is not surprising that "Racial Holy War "(Racial Holy War) has been a term of American origin. Why do we believe that these bands are formed of non-whites? They are seen as aimed at fighting a racial war against us! Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, net, Mara Salvatrucha, MS-18, Margaritas, various Islamic groups in Europe, and so on. And so on. And so on. One day they will leave next to the trifulcas that are between them and will take part in an uprising against whites. Grabaos blood and fire to this law of history: Wherever you are in the minority whites, if they are not backed by an ironclad system of authority, power and domination (such as the caste system in India or Apartheid South Africa), will eventually suffer violent attacks and, finally, genocide, by non-whites.
Lincoln Rockwell, Commander of the National Socialist People's Party Blanco, wrote in his book "White Power": These highly organized black people are familiar with violence, they know to use it and defend it. Millions of them even enjoy. It will not cause panic. But most white men have become spiritually soft in terms of being ready at the moment to moment, to fight to the death, personally. When these millions of black teenagers now learn that personal violence and terrorism in the streets of our big cities are adults and are heavily armed, as many are, will be ready for a revolution of personal violence which will leave stunned and helpless white man . I know these 'kids' blacks. They are so accustomed to violence and horror that they laugh in his presence. Do not fear the police, nor the guns, or knives - nothing. They have little to lose, and their status in their own black band is based on their total disregard for the danger and violence.
THIS WAS WRITTEN IN 1967, and since then the landscape has changed, and worse, much worse. Blacks and Hispanics in the U.S., such as non-whites in many other countries, has long been ready. The most representative is no doubt the United States, but the scenario is repeated also in Europe and Oceania. The whole West is threatened by the rising tide of dark seething. Today, in general, young non-whites are harder and more aggressive than whites. They are more accustomed to violence, have fought often, they know to handle weapons, you know kill without remorse, they were not afraid of risk and they care a turnip "get into trouble." Breed like rodents and walk our streets with arrogance because they know the system protects and pampers, and that can suck the blood white with impunity. A study in institutes Americans even showed that members of the dark races are on average more testosterone in the blood that young Western targets. Quite simply, your world is harder and more violent, and it encourages the rise of male impulses related to the territory and the attack, impulses that any race you need if you want to survive in the material world ... Non-whites are bleeding us. They deliver housing, aid as "ethnic minorities", ease of use and reproduction, papers, residence permits, clothes more expensive than ours and even cars. And yet they hate us to death, attack us, rob us, we violate and kill us, because everything we have is through and it reminds them every day their innate inferiority ** - and - mediocrity **. They are unable to live in peace with us, not themselves, or to build a prosperous future, and less without us. Your destination is lifted against us. It is law of nature, much older and much more compelling that the propaganda of four pro-liberal and pacifist whose bubble has long marijuana "is not of this world." Many of us not allow ourselves to be deceived. It should be prepared to leave the future racial war is to come. Non-whites, for his vigorous birth, are companies with plenty of young men. Whites, for our deplorable birth rate and increased life expectancy of women, we are a society with plenty of old women. The majority of our brothers are asleep and hypnotized by her life within the system, but the White Race should rise to the level of large masses to act with anger, desperation and indignation of someone who has been reduced to the minimum term and has nothing to lose except their lives. We want all the White Race is prepared for combat. We have the capability of organization, discipline and the media that have no non-whites. In the minority, but with better technology and training, this has been the constant racial wars throughout history. The only thing that remains is to know when our Raza shake off the yoke Jew. But there we go. NON-WHITES ARE THE DEMONS OF THE MATERIAL WORLD, BEINGS OF BLOOD impure, polluted and PURSUING involution ONLY BY resentment, and exterminate harm us. PREPARING TO BE LEAVING THE FIGHT BUT NOW!

alongside the Germans ( León Degrelle )

Published by baldur 88 under on 17:16
The last months of 1940 and early 1941 were not pleasant for anyone in Europe and even less in Belgium. From the Dutch, nobody spoke. Undoubtedly iban to be included in the complex geographic large-German. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, clearly, too. As for the French, were already under the malicious eyes of the occupants, including Devore with a fevered would have been much more effective in 1940, after a tank cannon. A month after having laid the foundations for collaboration with Hitler, Marshal Pétain had thrown overboard by his prime minister, Pierre Laval, which the Germans had no sympathy, man fingernails dirty, yellowish teeth and raven hair, things all of which molestaban Hitler, but the ambassador Abetz, very bullish then in Berchtesgaden, liked by his skill, his campechanía, and their sense of chalaneo very auvernés and the power of adaptation. Laval, sarcastic, nibble their cigarettes under his whiskers burned, responded to the game with his game and trying to marshal as an old uniform discharged soldier. Ultimately, it was in full mess. And so it would continue until the last day. the same thing in France outside France, the German castle of Sigmaringen, in which "collaborators" French people took refuge in the shadows of the dark corridors of false packaging feudal villages enormous and sinister armor. And we stay, the Belgians, the case more complicated. I spoke able to renew my contacts with King Leopold, handcuffed prisoner by Hitler and consoled by the lady of his family home, which would make his wife, princess to promote coup of Rethy. His secretary, Baron Capelle, served us mail. I was strongly advised, part of the sovereign - and I had good care of his proposals immediately write-off what they try to bridge towards the winner. The ambassador Abetz, with the picturesque friend had happened in 1936, a week's vacation in southern Germany, and whose wife had been colleague of mine from college in a boarding of the Sacred Heart, was a subject very curious. The inconformistas loves. After my odyssey prisoner had invited me several times for lunch or eat at its embassy in Paris, in Primor palace of Queen Hortensia, the streets of Lille. Plante a banda music of the Wehrmacht in the Garden, under our table, to give us the pleasure of making retumbar the left bank of the Seine with a huge roar music. Together we had explored all possibilities of the future of Belgium. There were ido a Berchtesgaden to talk with the Führer of this problem. He recalled our interview of 1936. We had the impression that cooled by then it causes. Decided, inviting me to Hitler. I cautioned that a car would come quickly to Brussels to seek, so it had to be prepared to exit path of Berchtesgaden anytime I waited .... He had to wait three years before finally reunited with Hitler, under the shadows of the firs of the Lithuanian border, a night in which, wounded four times in the course of seventeen melee, having broken the day before the siege of Tcherkassy, Ukraine, I was moved in Hitler's personal plane so that I put the collar of the neck. Ritterkreuz. (the German equivalent of the Spanish laureate). But we had lost three years. I learned later that any failure in October 1940 because some leaders flamingos, instigated by agents of the German security services who dreamed of starting in two to Belgium, had made it known that an agreement of Hitler with a Walloon conflict with the opposition Flemish part of Belgium. This was, firstly, imbecile, and secondly absolutely contrary to the truth. I had obtained in the elections of 1936, little more or less the same votes in Flanders to Wallonia. And an agreement with the heads Flemish nationalists themselves, had coordinated, in 1937, our conceptions and our Policy Action Plan. But given that these services German espionage asserted that any contact with me would trigger very violent oppositions language in an area of fighting, main base of the air campaign in Germany against England, Hitler postponed the negotiations. Upon cancellation of my interview, King Leopold himself tried, and above all against all, returning to meet with Hitler. His sister, Princess heir to Italy, wife of Humberto, then privileged ally of the Reich, a woman of splendorous body, long legs and clear eyes, had ido a Berchtesgaden to harass the Führer with encarnizamiento literate women, sometimes inopportune. Hitler had finally received a Leopoldo there, but coldly. He was not clarified anything. had offered him a cup of tea. The interview was limited to the distribution of warm liquid, less revealing still emphatically that the coffee. The speech was complete failure. Everything that we had done during the 1940-41 winter thawed for the German iceberg. stranded on our shores, not only led us to that. Our progress-especially during a big rally in which I spoke at the Palais des Sports after the New Year-had no other result that some lines irrelevant information in the "Volkisch Beobachter." In the end, did you know Hitler himself then what he wanted? As would say, in May 1968, General De Gaulle, when the revolution of students at the Sorbonne in submersibles threatened, "the situation was inaprehensible." Does the war against the British would continue? Or, as believed and said the French general Weygand, how would the United Kingdom to fall on their knees at once, annihilated by iron and fire? And the Soviets? Molotov, after their parapets antiparras had ido to Berlin in 1940 to bring Hitler, in addition to the spectacle of his desgarbo salesman, with trousers bulking as a car tire, the list of copious dishes that Stalin sought to be offered as soon as possible. The armies of the Third Reich had just finished sweeping and half of Europe and the Soviets were trying to be awarded the other half without charges and without risks! Taking advantage of the campaign in Poland in 1939, Stalin had engullido half of this territory and, shortly thereafter, the three Baltic countries, in a mouthful of colossal wolverine insatiable. There were repeated in June 1940, devouring the Romanian Bessarabia. And now he was not going to require no more and no less than full control of the Balkans. Hitler was the number 1 enemy of the Soviets. Much to his regret, and not to be found under the threat of fighting on two fronts at the beginning of war he speaks made a high in August 1939, in their struggle against communism. But it was impossible for him to allow the installation of the Soviets on the edge of the same continent that had just barely reunify. The threat was indisputable. The danger, not only was great, but it was also evident. Hitler could not be acorralar exposing the Russians, if the Reich suffered a setback in the west give him a beating. I was compelled to get everything ready to thwart a bad blow on the potential threats which exits from the tiny mouth of weasel Molotov left no doubt. Anticipating developments with caution, had secretly begun the preparation of the operation Barbarossa., The development of whose plans had been entrusted to General Paulus, defeated the future of Stalingrad. Meanwhile, in Europe everything was undecided. The internal divisions of French and the rapid clearance of a policy of rapprochement with Pétain had advised Hitler to miss time to the affairs of the West Madura. The morale of the various peoples of the west was settled. Oppositions of races, languages, clones, Le Roi ambitions without an action with greatness, or at least lift the great hope. For me, the thing was clear: two years, three years of stagnation and Belgium would like ripe for liquidation, for absorbing more or less direct Germanía flamingos in a unified, to set aside the Walloons, Europeans politically indefinite Or French or Germans, and for the elimination of a silent become King Leopold be totally invisible, separated from his people, deambulante between his library and tristona quarter of children less lonely but that, however, politically not worth much. Are Waiting to return to see Hitler? It was no longer issue a reunion. Can Talk in Brussels with a few scratches guts? They had the lowest power of discussion. They were, moreover, swollen with the adequacy of military victors, looking from top to bottom to civilians losers. We detest each other with the same energy. It was essential to reach one day be able to discuss on an equal footing with Hitler and the Reich victorious, but how?. The political horizon was desperately impenetrable. And then, suddenly, on June 22, 1941, was triggered pre-emptive war against the Soviets, accompanied by Hitler's call for volunteers from across Europe to combat serious and not fighting the Germans alone, but of European solidarity. For the first time since 1940 appeared a European plan. Are Running at the head of the East? With the most absolute evidence, had not being the modest Belgian contingent that we could recruit initially, which would bite the dust Stalin. Among millions of combatants, not us we would be more than a grain of sand. But the value could fill the smallness of the number. Nothing would prevent us from fighting like lions, behave with an exceptional gallantry, forcing the enemy of yesterday to verify that the comrades fighters were strong today, that his people had not detract from, they might someday in a new Europe, be an element vigorous, worthy of collaborating in a big action. Above all, there was no other solution. The allies, of course, could win. But this victory of the allies, frankly, how many of the Europeans invaded, they believed, in the winter of 1940 and early 1941? A ten percent? A five percent? And that five percent did better vision than us? Was it more lucid? Who can prove it? The Americans, without whom desfondamiento of the Third Reich was not even imaginable in 1941, were still with a policy of "swim between two plates." His opinion was still in the vast majority of people, distinctly isolationist. All polls of public opinion in the United States as well as each new test confirmed and ratified it. As for the Soviets. Who would have imagined in 1941 that his coriacea serious resistance to the point where it was? The Churchill declared their own intimate that the liquidation of Russia by Germany would issue a few weeks. What likely for a Europe of 1941 was achieved what Hitler, who would become truly a "master in Europe for a thousand years" we had announced Spaak. In this case it was not splashing in the murky puddles of fruitless waiting commonplace in Brussels, Paris and Vichy, as they could to ensure that securities purchased the defeated 1940 in the Europe of the future a share related to the history, virtues and the chances of their homelands. Understand this, the official name. What instantly rejected. I went to Russia to win rights to me one day allow honorably discuss conditions of survival for my country, and not to get shot before the first few gallons that would not be more than operetta. I come to be counted in his footsteps (over four years of strenuous fighting) out, then sergeant, after an official after senior officer, but increasingly amount, by act of courage in combat, having, during seventy-five melee my epaulette previously soaked in the blood of seven wounded. - No longer will I see Hitler-stated my intimate at the time of departure-until I put the collar on the neck of the Ritterkreuz. Exactly the things that occurred three years later. At that time, I could speak out, repeatedly hurt very, very decorated repeatedly he has finished making a break of the Soviet front of the fence that had saved eleven divisions. And I was going to get there-Hitler written test-a statute recognizing my country in the new Europe, one seat and possibilities above all that until then had known, even in the most glorious times in its history, under the Dukes of Burgundy and under Charles V. The existence of those agreements, nobody can doubt. The French ambassador Francois-Poncet, I do not have too much sympathy, has published documents are in his view, in Paris, "Le Figaro". Hitler was defeated. Accordingly, our agreement. obtained at the price of so much suffering, so much blood and despite many zancadillas, had no effect. But could have occurred otherwise. Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs. that even in early 1945 were Hitler ties possibility of winning. In the war until it was finally pulled the gun, everything can happen. On the other hand, we do not clog the Belgians who believed in the solution. London to sacrifice in the same manner and ensure they too, in case of victory of the other side renewal and resurrection of our country. They have failed due to have a life easier than ours, certainly on traps and intrigue of all kinds are concerned. The example of General De Gaulle, Cazurros persecution of which was the subject by the British, and especially the Americans, the humiliations he had to fit, have had to be the same style that we must endure has been often on the German side before obtaining our cause that had insured its success. In London, as in our field, it was necessary to put a good face, not be intimidated, conceal many things, always looking to the interest of the people. Above the chance was useful, what I would say essential, that the two sides, nationalists play two possibilities, so that our homelands survive whatever the final chapter of the conflict. This was not a motive in any case, for those who were in 1945 next to the victors, their throats slit to the other. Mobile wide variety of animated hence our spirits and our hearts when we started, rucksack on his back, toward the eastern front. We were going first-goal, goal-official to combat communism. But the fight against communism had been able to dispense entirely of our effort. Ibama also second goal-and indeed essential objective in our eyes-not just to fight with the Germans, but to impose the Germans, drunk by the pride of countless victories, had been able to treat Zapatazos in each of our countries occupied by them. Not stopped and some do not duplicate his long ceased to scandalize on many occasions. But after the epic confrontation Russian underestimate them would be difficult even to representatives of peoples who had fought valiantly beside their armies in a battle that we show solidarity toward all. This was the big reason for our march: forcing the fate, forcing the attention and commitment of Germans victors, with them building a Europe that our blood. also our blood, had cemented. We were going to live in Russia horrible years, to know physically, morally, an ordeal that has no name, in the history of men has never been an atrocious war to the point in endless snow, sludge endless. Hungry often, without ever resting, we were overwhelmed by misery, injuries, suffering of all kinds. To finally get to a disaster that swallows our youth and our lives annihilated ... But what is what counts in life? The new world will not be more than in the purification of delivery. We deliver completely. Even the seemingly useless never surrender what is absolute. One day he finds a meaning. The huge martyrdom of millions of soldiers, the long rattle of a youth who sacrificed entirely in the Russian front, they have created in advance compensation essential for spiritual renewal in Europe. A Europe of shopkeepers had not been enough. It was necessary also a Europe of heroes. This was going to build, rather than the other, during the course of four years of fighting chilling.


Published by baldur 88 under on 19:27
Odin, or Wotter Woden, was the highest and most sacred to the gods of races Nordic. He was the pervasive spirit of the universe, the personification of air, god for the wisdom and universal victory and the leader and protector of princes and heroes. Already it was assumed that all gods were his descendants, he named Alfather (father of all) and between the main and most of them elderly, he held the seat higher in Asgard. Known as Hlidskialf, this seat was not only a throne high, but also a lookout tower, from which he could observe the entire world and see at a glance everything that happened between the gods, giants, elves, dwarves and men. Nobody, except Odin and his wife and queen Frigg, had the privilege of being able to use this seat and when they occupy only look to the South and West, the object of all hopes and tours of the nations of the North. Odin was represented generally, as a man tall and strong, about fifty years and either rizados with hair and dark, or with a long gray beard and bald head. I was wearing garments gray with a blue hood and his body was muscular wrapped with a large blue blanket dotted with gray, an emblem of the sky with their clouds. In his hand, Odin was carrying the generally foolproof launches Gungnir, which was so sacred that an oath made on its tip could never be broken and its finger or arm bore the wonderful ring Draupnir, the emblem of fertility, whose beauty had no comparison. When sat on his throne, or was equipped for battle, in which case descended to earth to participate in It Odin wearing his helmet eagle. However, when wandering quietly appearance on the earth with humans, to see what men did, it became usually a wide-brimmed hat, which tapaba his forehead to hide the that had only one eye. Two crows, Hugin (thinking) and Munin (memory) are kept on their shoulders when he sat on his throne and sending them across the world every morning, anxiously awaiting his return at dusk, at which time they will whisper ear to the news of what had seen and heard. Thus was well informed about everything that happened on Earth. At his feet was nestled two sniffer wolves or hunting. Geri and Freki, animals that were sacred to him and considered good luck when they crossed on the way. Odin always feed these animals with their own hands, with meat that was served front of him. The same did not need any food for their livelihood and rarely Mead proved nothing except the sacred. When ceremonially sat on his throne, Odin rested their feet on a bench of gold, the work of the gods, whose entire furniture and utensils were always facts of this precious metal or silver. In addition to the magnificent Glasheim, where were the twelve seats they occupied the gods when they met in assembly, and Valaskialf, where he was his throne, Hlidskialf, Odin had a third palace in Asgard, located amidst the wonderful grove Glaser, whose glittering gold leaves were red.

Hollywood and the Jews

Published by baldur 88 under on 19:23
Actors and Directors of Jews Hollywood.Es a fact that the cinema, television and print media influence the thinking and acting of gente.Artículos appeared in "Jewish Post and Opinion," U.S. Jewish peródo 6 December 1974, and "Jewish Chronicle, a weekly Jewish London for the same dates: Jews DOMINANT IN HOLLYWOOD" The Jews dominate Hollywood today as they have done since the birth of this industry. The Jews dominate as actors, directors and producers. " Tom Tugend in "The Jewish Chronicle" (The Jewish Chronicle) writes: "The Jewish presence in Holywood is a fact that few people are unaware. It is normal that Jews run the world of cinema and that the Jewish character dominates. In the Party speaks of the last triumph or failure of "our people" - Paul Newman, Barbra Streisand, Kirk Douglas (Issur Danielovitch), Joel Grey, Tony Curtis, Dustin Hofman and Woddy Allen, are some of ours. "But most important These are the ones who decide which movies are to promote, heads, principals with real power as Ted Ashley and the producer founded in possession Jewish Warner Brothers, Gordon T Stulberg also Jewish in the 20th Century Fox, Frank Rosenfelt and Daniel Melnick also of the Jewish Metro-Goldwin-Mayer, MGM, David Begelman of Columbia also Jewish, Lew Wasserman and Jennings Lang also of the Jewish Universal Pictures, and Charles Robert Evans Bloudon and the Jewish Paramount.La also producing most of the directors and producers are Jews. " T Tugend also writes: "As for screenwriters, is like a" tent reserved for Jews ", between 80% and 90% are Jews." Tugend wondered "How Jewish is the new generation of film from the U.S.?" and answered the question by quoting the vice president of Metro-Goldwin-Mayer, Charles Powell said that. "Clearly we must remember that not only must appoint people like Richard Benjamin, Elliott Gould, Ron Leibman, and so on." It appears be that the Jewish director Alfred Hitchcock movies besides "suspense", during the Second World War, and like John Huston, made "movies" short that have become part of the "documentary" exhibited the Second World War . To this must be remembered that the Jewish population in the U.S. is only 3% of the total, but more than 80% of the production of film, television and video is in your hands. In England this domain is smaller, but must be appointed at large "tycoon" Jewish film Levy Gradintsky: was "promoted" to Sir Lew Grade, but it is popularly known as "Sir Greed Jew." This controls the British television station ITV.También we must remember that the three major U.S. television networks are in Jewish hands: Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) is William Paley, National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) is the brothers David and Robert Sarnoff, and the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) is Leonhard Goldensohn. All are billionaires in dólares.La production of pornographic films is almost everything in Jewish hands. Producer Joe Levine usually hire for the scripts to Harold Robbins. This Levine cooperated with producers Soviets in such "Sunflower", filmed in the USSR with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni, where he praised the Soviet war machine. The oil tycoon Armand Hammer (Jew, of course) was a great "intermediary" between the U.S. and the USSR, in trade, culture and politics. Born in the USSR, "communist", "Leninist" and multimillionaire oil ruso.Resumen another article in the magazine Jewish U.S. "Moment" written by Michael Medved and translated for the Swedish Jewish magazine "Judisk Krönika" (Jewish Chronicle), (year 1997): Holywood is headed by judíosEsto what we have heard before. Like "Jews have great influence in the world of entertainment." And even if truth ... SO WHAT? (So what?). The last thing this myth said in a television interview was Marlon Brando. Later he had to ask forgiveness for what was said. ( "A force ahorcan," Brando said that the Jews who were seen as a persecuted minority in their films treated almost all minorities and indigenous as a "shit"). Disney, founded by a non-Jew Midwest And anti-Jewish feelings, is headed by Jews in all important posts, like his boss Michael Eisner, Michael Ovitz and Joe Roth (former chief producer 20th Century Fox). Jeffrey Katzemberg was left Disney to join the "dream group" of Steven Spielberg and David Geffren.Muchas television series have up to a percentage of 95% of Jews and many doing the role of "Jews", only have to look at series "Mad About You," Love and War "," Thirtysomething, "" LA Law "," Northern Exposure "," Home Front "," Friends "and" Seinfeld. "(This last I believe 100%)." Figures "(Jewish) known among others, are: Walter Matthau (Matuchanskayasky of Russian parents), Shelley Winters, Bette Midler, Fran Descher, Rob Morruw, Ellen Barkin, Winona Ryder, Barabara Hershey, Alicia Silverstone, Debra Winger, the ex - Rabbi Jackie Mason.. etc.Medved also writes: Most Americans believe that cinema and television to incite crime, violence, promiscuity and other forms of destructive behavior. That an industry so tied to the Jews be considered This should give way to think ... it must be said that these "behavior" of Hollywood are not Jews. (?) To end a sentence of "article": "If a Martian watching TV in the U.S. , Such as "Seinfeld," was surprised to learn that fewer than one in forty Americans is a Jew. "(From the book of Ahmed Rami, a Swedish" What is Israel? "And the Swedish Jewish magazine" Judisk Krönika ") list of actors and directors who are judíosSon all, but are not all they are. Many of these names have been removed from projudías pages. As you can see the film industry is in the hands of some "elected". AdlerLuther Jay AdlerStella AdlerJason AlexanderWoody Allen (Allen Koenigsberg) Ed Ames (Urick Ames) Morey AmsterdamShiri ApplebyAllen ArbusAdam ArkinAlan ArkinBea Arthur (Bernice Frankel) Ed AsnerLauren Bacall (Bette Perske) Barbara Bain (Millicent Fogel) Jon Robin BaitzLenny BakerBob BalabanBarbara BarrieRichard BenjaminJack Benny (Jack Kubelsky) Milton Berle ( Mendal Berlinger) Jeannie BerlinHershel BernardiSarah BernhardTheodore BikelJoey Bishop (Joseph Abraham Gottlieb) Mel Blanc (Melvin Jerome Blanc) Yasmine BleethClaire BloomVictor Borge (Borge Rosenbaum) Tom BosleyDavid BrennerFelix BressartFanny Brice (Fanny Borach) Albert Brooks (Albert Einstein) Mel Brooks (Melvin Kaminsky) Lenny Bruce (Leonard Alfred Schneider) George Burns (George Birnbaum) Red Buttons (Aaron Chwatt) James CaanSid CaesarEddie Singer (Edward Israel Iskowitz) Phoebe Cates (Phoebe Katz) Jeff Chandler (Ira Grossel) Andrew Dice Clay (Andrew Silverberg) J. Lee Cobb (Leo Jacobi) Howard Cosell (Howard Cohen) Billy CrystalTony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz) Howard Da Silva (Howard SILVERBLATT) Rodney Dangerfield (Jack Cohen) Neil DiamondIlleana DouglasKirk Douglas (Danielovitch Demsky) Melvyn Douglas (Melvyn Hesselberg) Richard DreyfussBob Dylan (Bob Zimmerman) Robert Evans (Robert SHAPER) Marty FeldmanTovah FeldshuhNorman Fell (Norman Feld) FiersteinLarry Harvey Fine (Laurence Feinberg) Corey FischerEddie FisherAl FrankenLeonard FreyAllen Garfield (Allen Goorwitz) John Garfield (Julius Garfinkle) Art GarfunkelLorraine Gary (Lorraine Gottfried) Brad Garrett (Brad Gerstenfeld) Jack Gilford (Jacob Gellman) Paul GlaserNed GlassAdam GoldbergJeff GoldblumBarry GordonKeith GordonCliff GormanGilbert GottfriedElliot GouldHarold GouldLee Grant (Lyova Haskell Rosenthal) Ellen GreeneShecky GreeneAndre GregoryNick GregoryJennifer GreyJoel GreyCharles Grodin (Charles Grodinsky) Ayre GrossSteve GuttenbergBuddy Hackett (Leonard Hacker) HarelikAaron HarnikLawrence Mark Harvey ( Laruschka Mischa Skikne) HedayaBuck Dan Henry (Buck Henry Zuckerman) Pee Wee Herman (Paul Ruebens) Stephen Hill (Solomos Krakovsky) - Orthodox! Marcel HillaireArthur HillerJudd HirschDustin HoffmanPhilip Seymour HoffmanJudy Holliday (Judith Tuvim) Oscar HomolkaMichael HordernAdam HorwitzCurly Howard (Lester Jerome Horwitz) Moe Howard (Moses Horwitz) Shrimp Howard (Shemp Horwitz) Lou JacobiSam Jaffe (Shalom Jaffe) David Janssen (David Harold Meyer) George JesselAl Jolson (Asa YoelsonMadeline Kahn KaminskaCarol KaneOmri KatzAndy KaufmanJulie KavnerLainie Kazan (Lainie Levine) Danny Kaye (David Kaminsky) Harvey KeitelAlan King (Irwin Allen Kniberg) Robert KleinSascha KnopfJack KlugmanBernie KopellHarvey KormanHenry Koster (Hermann Kosterlitz) Jeffery KramerLisa KudrowJuliet LandauMartin LandauMichael Landon (Eugene Horowitz) Louise LasserCloris LeachmanErnest LehmanRon LeibmanSheldon LeonardMichael LernerSam LevineEugene LevyJerry Lewis (Joseph Levitch) Shari Lewis (Shari Hurwitz) Hal Linden (Harold Lipshitz) Mark Linn-BakerMaureen LipmanJonathan LipnickiPeter Lorre (Laszlo Lowenstein) Jon LovitzBill Macy (Wolf Marvin Garber) Howie MandelMarcel MarceauJanet MargolinGarry MarshallChico Marx (Leonard) Groucho Marx (Julius) Gummo Marx (Milton) Harpo Marx (Adolf) Zeppo Marx ( Herbert) Walter Matthau (Walter Matasschanskayasky) Elaine May (Elaine Berlin) Ferdy MayneDebra MessingBette MidlerBarry MillerRick MoranisHoward MorrisShelley Morrison (Rachel Mitrani) Josh MostelZero MostelPaul Muni (Muni Weisenfreund) Alla Nazimova (Mariam Leventon) Leonard NimoyAlan OppenheimerLilli Palmer (Lillie Marie Peiser) Mandy PatinkinSarah Jessica ParkerRhea PerlmanNatalie PortmanGilda RadnerTony Randall (Leonard Rosenberg) Carl ReinerRob ReinerPaul ReiserDon RicklesPeter RiegertRon RifkinJoan Rivers (Joan Molinsky Sandra) Edwar G. Robinson (Emmanuel Goldenberg) Saul RubinekZelda RubinsteinWinona Ryder (Laura Winona Horowitz) Mort SahlGene SaksAdam SandlerGary SchandlingDavid SchwimmerGeorge SegalJerry SeinfeldWilliam ShatnerDick Shawn (Richard Schulefand) Wallace ShawnHarry ShearerAnthony SherDinah ShorePauly ShoreGeorge SidneySilvia Sydney (Sophie Josow) Simone SignoretRon SilverJonathan SilvermanSarah SilvermanPhil Silvers (Philip Silversmith) Alicia SilverstonePaul SimonRena SoferMarla SokoloffDaniel SternHoward SternBen StillerJerry StillerHarold J. StoneLee StrassbergSusan StrassbergBarbara StreisandJanet SuzmanChaim TopolMichael TuckerSophie Tucker (Sophia Abuzed) Anton WalbrookEli WallachNancy Walker (Ann Myrtle Sway) WannamakerRachel WeiszGene Sam Wilder (Jerome Silberman) Debra WingerHenry WinklerShelley Winters (Shirley Schrift) Ed Wynn (Isaiah Edwin Leopold) Irwin AllenAllan ArkushJune AllysonAndrew BergmanJack BlackStockard ChanningCharles DennerBob DishyBoris KarloffTed KotcheffClaude LelouchOscar LevantRichard LewisAlfred NewmanMike NicholsWilliam PowellDavid RaksinJerry SchatzbergNoah TaylorR.H. ThomsonJosef Von Sternberg (Jonas Stern) Read ThompsonHoward ZieffTerry ZwigoffLisa BonetJoan CollinsHarry Connick Jr.Roger CormanJamie Lee CurtisMichael DouglasFran DrescherDavid DuchovnyDouglas Fairbanks (Douglas Elton Ulman) Carrie FisherHarrison FordJohn Frankenheimer Paulette GoddardJohn housemaid (Jacques Haussmann) Barbara HersheyAnthony NewleyPaul NewmanFreddie PrinzeTanya RobertsRobbie RobertsonRob SchneiderJason SchwartzmannErich Von Stroheim (Erich Oswald Stroheim) Zoe WanamakerConvertidos to judaísmoKate CapshawNell CarterSammy Davis Jr.Anne MearaMarilyn MonroeElizabeth TaylorProductores JudíosHarold Arlen (Hyman Arluck) Lionel BartIrving BerlinElmer BernsteinLeonard Bernstein CoplandGeorge Gershwin Philip GlassErnest GoldBenny GoodmanMarvin HamlischOscar HammersteinPhil HarrisLorenz HartBernard Jerome KernErich Wolfgang Herrmann KorngoldGustav MahlerRichard RodgersLeonard RosenmanArthur SchwartzMax SteinerDirectores judíosJim AbrahamsDarren AronofskyRalph BakshiBurt BalabanPeter BogdanovichHarold ClurmanJoel and Ethan CoenGeorge CukorRobert EpsteinMax FleischerRichard FleischerMelvin FrankWilliam FriedkinLarry GelbartAmos GitaiMenahem GolanKeith GordonArthur HillerJeremy Paul KaganAviva KempnerIrwin KershnerStanley KramerStanley KubrickFritz LangNorman LearMervyn LeRoyBarry LevinsonDani LevyErnst LubitschSidney LumetDavid Mamet (Richard Weisz) Joseph MankiewiczJoe May (Joseph Mandel ) Nicholas MeyerElijah MoshinskyPaul MazurskyMax Ophuls (Maximilian Oppenheimer) Frank Oz (Frank Ozkerwitz) Alan J. PakulaLarry PeerceRoman PolanskiSidney PollackAbraham PolonskyOtto PremingerMax Reinhardt (Maximillian Goldman) Martin RittStuart RosenbergHerbert RossRobert RossenBoris SagalJohn SchlesingerMelville ShavelsonDon SiegelJoan Macklin SilverRobert SiodmarkTodd SolondzSteven SpeilbergBilly WilderHerbert WiseRobert WiseWilliam WylerRobert ZemeckisFred ZinnemanDavid ZuckerJerry ZuckerActores characters and several Al JolsonMandy PatinkinGary GrantWilliam ShatnerSeth GreenGwyneth PaltrowWynona RyderSarah Jessica ParkerNatalie PortmanHarrison FordDavid DuchovnyRobert Downey, Jr.Jon LovitzYasmine BleethPaul NewmanBette MidlerMatthew BroderickLaurence HarveyDebra MessingWoody AllenDustin HoffmanNoah WyleKirk DouglasBen StillerGoldie HawnBilly CrystalDaniel Day-LewisMel BrooksBen KingsleyMichael DouglasYves MontandGeorge BurnsLeonard NimoyKevin KlineJuliana MarguilesPeter FalkTracy PollanHarvey KeitelJane SeymourPeter SellersDavid ArquetteDebra WingerRichard DreyfussEdward G. RobinsonMichael LandonLisa BonetRodney DangerfieldLauren BacallElliott GouldBronson PinchotPiper LaurieDouglas FairbanksJudy HollidayTony CurtisRob SchneiderSarah BernhardtJason AlexanderCamryn ManheimHarvey FiersteinPaul ReiserHank AzariaRed ButtonsDyan CannonNo is totally complete, as for example David Copperfield (actually David Kotkin) is some judío.Luego doubtful, as Pamela Anderson, in an official biography appears as Pamela Denise Anderson, but in other extraoficialies actually be called Joan GoldsteinLa favorite tactic of Jewish actor is changing its name to a line in the country that vive.En what follows are some Examples: Cary Grant - Larry Bronson LeachCharles - Charles Kaye BuchinskyDanny - Daniel KaminskyDouglas Fairbanks, Jr.. - UllmanEdward Douglas G. Robinson - Emanuel GoldbergElliott Gould - Elliott GoldsteinGene Wilder - Jerome SilbermanGeorge Burns - Nathan BirnbaumHarry Houdini - Ehrlich WeissJack Benny - Benny KubelskyJane Seymour -- Joyce Penelope FrankenburgJeff Goldblum - Jeff GoldblumJerry Lewis - St. Joseph LevitchJill. John - Jill Garland OppenheimJudy - Judith TuvinKarl Maiden - Maiden SekulovitchKirk Douglas - Issur Danilovich DemskyLeslie Howard - Leslie Wood StainerNatalie - Natasha GurdinPeter Lowe - Laszlo LowensteinSteven Spielberg - Steven Curtis SpielbergTony - Bernard SchwartzWalter Matthau - Walter MatasschanskayaskyWinona Ryder - Noni Horowitz Information taken from

genocide white

Published by baldur 88 under on 19:21
Introduction The format of the Manifesto of genocide White was appointed on purpose to eliminate the sophistication of the "authorities" supported by the system. The power systems, both religious and the secular, have invented and canonized bishops, priests, teachers, historians, experts in propaganda, Doctors in several disciplines, and a multitude of prostitutes similar to the specific intent to deceive, control and use the masses. Two well-known historical figures show that after a great openness have been Napoleon Bonaparte and Henry Ford. Bonaparte, after examining documents of the Vatican library said: "The story is a fable." Ford then set up a commission to study the real power behind the government said: "The story is a swindle." An author called Trevanian wrote that "the propaganda of the victors becomes the history of the vanquished." The fact is that all power systems rewrite history and propaganda historical facts for their own profit. The sighted person is aware that men who had obtained the endorsement of the system by "higher education" are particularly obtuse at accept the circumstances as the common sense and shows that these individuals "educated" are generally the last to leave a corrupt, tyrannical and destructive. This is partly due to have prostituted himself to make a profit but also because the "higher education" is more properly called "brain higher pollution." The purpose of the "higher education" is to create managers for the rule of the masters. Therefore, this manifesto does not rely on the word of the authorities "recognised". The statements and conclusions of the Manifesto come from 3 sources. The laws of Nature, common sense and the current circumstances. Intellectuals current probably react with their word games since the sophistry is their only recourse to deny a fact. For example: when I say that only 10% of the world's population is white and I can see the minions of the system is debating whether 11%, or if the modern Greeks are White or even about whether or not there is a White race. They have an arsenal of semantic deception almost infinite. The foundations of the Manifesto are absolutely true in spirit and undeniable to any man of good conscience and reasonable mind. The Manifesto refuses to use the terms as they use the "politically correct". For centuries the word "gay" was used to describe a mood of fun, while "homosexual" was used to describe a condition in which the natural role of men towards women was abandoned in favor of something that goes against Nature . For centuries the 3 major human races have been called negroid, Mongoloid Caucasian race and the latter meaning the same as White. The colored races are not a minority. Western civilization is creating the White man. The suffixes "ista" and "ism" does not demonize one word. So as a Baptist loves and defends his religion, a racist loves and defends his Race. When the existence of the race itself is threatened, racism becomes an imperative Natural first order. Recognizing that no race is suicidal voluntarily Manifesto complaint with the tribe racial-religious prevailing on the former? White nations and states that we are denied White, White schools, White organizations and everything necessary so that we can survive as an entity racial and cultural. To conclude the introduction affirm that the term "racial integration" is a euphemism for genocide. The result of racial integration is a percentage of interracial marriages that leads to destruction of the race as White has already occurred in some areas in the past. The White 5 million of which only a fraction are women of childbearing age or younger, are submerged between 5 trillion beings of colored races and was extinguished in a short time. The genocide is being carried out deliberately. The author of the Manifesto, his cronies and others who still maintain some control over their consciences are totally opposed to this. The control of Zionism on the media, as well as the most important points of industry, finance, law and politics in the former? Nations Blancas, is a fact and is well known by the people who occupy positions of influence. For those who doubt the information is available from several sources as in the book called "The Jewish Who's Who". Therefore, we, who are still vigilant in the White Aryan race or declare that: 1) All governments of the former? White nations deny us uniformity and the territory necessary for our survival as racial and cultural entity. 2) The inevitable result of racial integration is the race for the White genocide through the mixture. The promotion of the mixture of white women with men of color is obviously a priority for the media system. 3) The White men who resist the genocide of their race are destroyed economically, socially and politically. If they continue to resist are killed or imprisoned by false accusations. 4) The life of a race is in the hands of women and currently only 3% of the world's population are White women of childbearing age or younger. 5) That the political, social or economic interests can be destroyed and then built again, but the death of our Race is eternal. 6) That the White man's instinct to preserve the beauty of White women and the future for White children on this earth is a mandate of Nature and his God. 7) That all Western nations are governed by a conspiracy of Zionism to mix, enslave and exterminate the White race. That is americas police of Zionism. The police and military Americans are used to destroy each state Blanco on Earth. 9) The refusal to give work to the White across the so-called "affirmative action" has resulted in the decline of our families and our people. 10) That the sports, entertainment and multiracial integration are designated to destroy the sense of originality and courage necessary for the survival of our race. 11) That history is being rewritten to obscure the achievements of our ancestors and to accredit the colored races. 12) That the Judeo-Christianity promotes the idea of equality of races and men in general. 13) That the Zionist occupation government in North America and other Western nations promotes the unnatural act of homosexuality knowing about the power of sexual instincts of men for sexual union must be directed toward women of childbearing with the same race for ensure the survival race. 14) That the Zionist occupation government in North America and other Western nations promote and protect infanticide, now called abortion at the expense of whites. Under these countless crimes against whites as well as the obvious genocide against them we henceforth we refuse to support the institutions of our executioners. In obedience to the laws of Nature and recognizing that the nature and its laws were the work of God and that natural law is more important to preserve one's lineage, we demand the formation of a state exclusively for Whites in North America and Europe. If we are denied this right will seek to do justice by any means. Those who betray us with the Zionist government is warning. If we reach our goal expressed in the 14 words "We must ensure the existence of our Race and a future for White children", his treason will be punished. If we fail and the White race follows the same path as the dinosaurs, the last generation of children White including yours pay for their complicity with the vile hands of the colored races that will inherit the world.88! David LaneFederal Prison

new blog of nations and races

Published by baldur 88 under on 18:40
new blog after being censored by the Zionist system you do not want the National Socialist broadcast in the world. However, this blog is in danger of being censored.