It brings back to consciousness racial

For but from 2,000 years that we are seeing as our race this destroying itself and we are arriving at the aim. We are only 8% of the world-wide population. The white women in age to procreate are only 2%. The targets instead of to be united we are faced by strange subjects our race and our being. We make a little history, before the Christianisation of Europe, the white towns lived in perfect harmony. Greek and the Roman ones had reached a civilization degree, that never has been surpassed. All along it was in continuous creation and development. Even nowadays the great artists, scientists and philosophers watch Greece (she cradles of the white civilization). Other towns of Europe, that had not reached so high degree of civilization, like for example the vikingos, also stood out by their sense of honor, of having and it brings back to consciousness of blood. This it brings back to consciousness, the one of blood, race, of town, is the one that maintains lives to a race, a town, a Nation. With the lost one of it brings back to consciousness racial, Greece sank in the degradation, homosexuality and the racial mixture. With the arrival of the Christianity, Europe was field of religious wars that lasted hundreds of years. Million people died by the simple fact of not adoring to God (that was a strange God, for old the European). Defendant of satanistas, herejes and sorceresses, thousands of targets were assassinated by the inquisición. In the name of God, catholics and protestants faced during centuries, spilling white blood by all Europe. Nowadays young targets are even victims of attacks, by religious fanatics. When a race faces, when brother of blood they are killed in the name of a foreign God, this race to lost his brings back to consciousness of blood. We have become predators of our own species. In century XIX, when it seemed that the religious wars had arrived at their aim, Europe began to be divided and whole nations divided themselves in small states, the political borders supplanted to the blood borders. Fratricidal wars begin, that left as balance million dead targets. In century XX, two world wars, take to our race to the abyss. II the world war, was a racial war, the Nazi Germany, that thanks to ADOLF HITLER, had obtained for the first time in two thousand years that a town, recovered his brings back to consciousness of race; vilely it was attacked and destroyed. In the name of the democracy and " libertad" the liberal ones, assassinated to million innocents. The Comunism, I face the towns, followed one another bloody civil wars (ex. Spain) and 50.000.000 of targets before died and after the revolution Bolshevik. Nowadays our completely degraded race to. We defend " derechos" of black, Jews, natives, homosexuals, sidosos, drug addicts, etc. While our race is 8% of the world-wide population. And every day I number of targets is descending. The lack of brings back to consciousness racial, has taken to the racial, suicidal mixture of our race. Everything what forms the character of our race, this losing itself completely. I number of interracial pairs increases, are but the white women who abort that those that has children. We are seeing like our race this being exterminated by treasonous and conspirators, and every day that happens, we came near but and but to the aim of our race. It is too much behind schedule, to save to our race. That not it, I hope that no. But we did not fight nor we worked by our race, surely is our aim. We do not have to hope that others do the work that corresponds to us. We cannot continue waiting for a new generation, in our hands this the future of our race. We cannot continue waiting for a FÜHRER, never in history were two leaders in a same century, Adolf Hitler mark the way to us, leave a legacy us, we must finalize the task that was begun but of 60 years ago: to recover our BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS RACIAL. This good to speak of economic policies, social justice, of revisionism, but the German town at the time of III the Reich, had not secured to the happiness and the inner well-being, like town and like Nation, because the government I finish with leisure, I improve the pays, the quality of life, etc. The German town secured to the happiness and the inner well-being, because it had recovered his BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS OF RACE, blood, of town, of nation. Don't mention it serves, to continue speaking of economic and social policies, if our race this in extinction danger. Many say, that he is not advisable to speak of the racial subject if we are not in the power. But, it is that we cannot hope but; our RACE and the future of our CHILDREN is at the present time our priority. And who say that the racial subject does not have importance or that are secondary, I do not consider groups of comrades. I do not want and I try to be inferior to the political parties National Revolutionaries, evil called by means of " ultraderecha" , that in their rows counts many proud targets. But, these still are very far from securing a political power, that it can act to the benefit of our race. We must stop speaking and conducting battle. Propaganda, propaganda and propaganda. That is first, to show to him our people, that we are not majority as the average ones want to make believe to us but we are a minority and we are in extinction danger. Through the propaganda, we must try and to obtain that our people recover his BRINGS BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS RACIAL. That one feels Proud of being White, that this proud one by its roots and their traditions, that its culture defends, to its family, our women and our children who are the future of our Race. The white activists we are a minority within our Race. We have our own people, and to means against, the police forces, our governments occupied and to the left militants, libertarios and homosexuals. We must before nothing to be united, not to walk each by its side, the UNION gives the force us, to begin this fight. For 2,000 years the Zionist propaganda, has washed the brain of our people, causing who we hate ourselves between us, who we defend " derechos" of other races before ours, that due to being white we must feel shame and disgust. Well, in us this the power to revert this situation, we flood the streets and the cities with posters, steering wheels, stickers. We publish fanzines, newspapers, pages Web; but we do not remain in the doctrinal aspect and philosophical, we give alternatives, advice, we support the groups in formation. To educate to children and young people, to train militants fused with our cause nonpendencieros and mercenary. We must be in continuous Revolution, we do not have to remain solely in the scheme of the Germany of the years ' 30. We are another generation (it completes perhaps it), we are at the beginning of new CENTURY. We have to our backs sixty years of calumnies and defamations. The Jews, treasonous of the race and black have but power that never. The present situation differs in several aspects with the one from Germany from ' 30. The stagnation is the worse thing than it can happen to him to a revolutionary group. We must be strong, intelligent, do not have to fall in the sectarianism nor in forming violent groups. We want that our people love to us not that she hates to us. Violence, if, but to defend to us solely, it does not stop to be circus of the Zionist press. We do not have to hate nor to despise to the other races, we must love ours. Our people must include/understand that the equality does not exist, that the targets we are different from the black and these are different from the yellows as well. And in that difference, are the virtues of each race. Our fight is by sagradas the 14 Words ...... " We must assure the existence our Race and a future for the Blancos" children;. We finish with the micro-nationalisms, internal fights to see that are " jefe" , rivalries and envies, separated we will not arrive at anything, united we even have hopes. Perhaps nobody promises a victory, we obtain never it, but we will die knowing that we tried at least it. If our people recover his brings back to consciousness, if she listens to the call of its blood, if full of pride and love by our race, there are no doubts, the enemy cannot against us and on this planet, will be never but times of no darkness. The progress, the beauty and the civilization, will return and will be the beginning of a new era of prosperity and advances for our Race.

the islands of the treasure genético

Published by baldur 88 under on 21:08
" The islands of the treasure genético" The following article demonstrates that the racially homogeneous existence to us of a population and frees of the mestization not only is good for the society and the development of the nation, but also that has great an importance for the investigation of the genes associated to certain diseases. Isolated during hundreds or thousands of years of the rest of the world, the small populations of the islands of Iceland, Tristan gives Cunha and Palau offers in their DNA the tracks to discover genes implied in the diseases most common and to design therapies. Iceland, Tristan gives Cunha and Palau, three remote islands nailed in the different oceans, is not habitual tourist destinies, but they have in the last blunted ten years like authentic paradises of irresistible attractive for biologists and companies of biotechnology who look for genes implied in diseases that affect million people. Because of their geographic isolation, those territories insulares are inhabited by very homogenous populations from the genetic and racial point of view, which facilitates the prospection of the DNA of its inhabitants to locate associated genes to pathologies with high prevalence in the world and to develop new drugs. This scientific strategy finishes reaping another success after the finding of a gene, whose mutations duplicate the risk of heart infarcts and of cerebrevascular. The discovery was possible with the DNA analysis donated by several thousand of patients and healthy relatives that they participate in Iceland in a cardiovascular research program driven by the DeCode company. The works of that company are the point of the spear of this strategy, that benefits from the little genetic diversity of the Icelanders and the racial homogeneity, the availability of all the created medical files in that country from year 1915 and of an exceptional genealogical data base that goes back almost until the arrival to the island of a group of vikingos at the beginning of century X. In order to discover genes associated to diseases, the biologists habitually track the DNA of centennial families where determined upheavals they inherit themselves, like a curse, of a generation to the following one. Thus many of the genes were discovered causes of 1,500 hereditary upheavals that condemn from the cradle the carriers of certain genetic mutations. Nevertheless, the most common diseases, like cardiovascular or the asthma, appear by the interrelation of several genes with environmental factors. In order to identify their molecular bases, companies and Universities have resorted to the study of groups of possible the greatest and homogénos population from the genetic point of view because it is easier to identify genetic mutations. They have found and them in three islands, Iceland, Tristan gives Cuhna and Palau, whose inhabitants as soon as they have interchanged his genes with foreign populations. A nation for science The Icelandic case is as exceptional as controversial. By virtue of a law of year 1998, the DeCode company received green light to create a data base with medical files of that country. The project provoked distrusts because it was the first time that a Government allowed a private company to compile, to store and to manage the medical and genetic information of a whole nation. The agreement soon caused scientific results: a detailed map of the genome that serves as

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