1. Omission of evidence that at least 6 of the alleged hijackers (including Waled al-Shehri, accused the Commission of having stabbed a flight stewardess UA11 airplane crash before the north tower of the World Trade Center) alive today (19-20). 2. Omission of evidence about Mohamed Atta (pronounced as his penchant for drinking, for beef and pork and exhibits erotic lap dances or private) that contradict the Commission's assertions that Atta had become a religious fanatic (20-21 ). 3. Voluntarily created confusion about the evidence that Hani Hanjur pilot was so bad that he had never been capable of achieving an airliner crashing against the Pentagon (21-22). 4. Ignoring the fact that the lists of passengers (flight Manifests) which were made public contained no Arab names (23). 5. Ignoring the fact that never before or after September 11, has been a fire that has caused the total collapse of a building with steel structure (25). 6. Ignoring the fact that the fires of the Twin Towers were neither large nor particularly extremely intense and lasted a long time even compared to other fires in skyscrapers (structures) with similar recent plummeted (25-26). 7. Ignoring the fact that, given the assumption that the fire caused the collapse, the south tower, which was struck after the north tower and affected by a fire of less intensity, there should have been the first to fall (26). 8. Ignoring the fact that the building No. 7 World Trade Center (which is not against any airplane crashed and suffered only very small localized fires) also collapsed, a fact on which the Federal Agency for Management of Emergencies ( FEMA) confessed that he could not offer any explanation (26). 9. Ignoring the fact that the collapse of the Twin Towers (and Building No. 7) has at least 10 features have been the product of a controlled demolition (26-27). 10. Afirmación según la cual el núcleo de la estructura de cada una de las Torres Gemelas era «un pozo de acero vacío», afirmación que niega la presencia de 47 columnas de acero macizo que eran en realidad el centro de cada torre. According to the theory of "stacking floors (the" pancake theory ") that explains the collapse, several tens of meters of solid steel columns these should have been in place (27-28). 11. Omission of the statement by Larry Silverstein [the owner of the WTC] statement that the Silverstein in coordination with the fire department decided to "demolish" in technical language (to pull) - Building No 7 (28). 12. Ignoring the fact that the steel of the WTC buildings was quickly taken from the scene and sent abroad by sea before it could be analyzed for traces of explosives (30). 13. Ignoring the fact that the building No. 7 had been evacuated before its collapse, it implies that the reason was officially as much as possible to expedite the collection of steel [in that place] (because there could be survivors under the rubble) No had any sense in the case of this building (30). 14. Omission of the statement of Mayor R. Giuliani, who said he was warned beforehand that the WTC was going to collapse (30-31). 15. Ignoring the fact that Marvin Bush, brother of U.S. President and his cousin Wirt Walker III were the directors of the company responsible for ensuring the safety of the WTC (31-32). 16. Ignoring the fact that the west wing of the Pentagon, [the same as it was struck on September 11], it was precisely for various reasons that had less chance of being targeted by the terrorists of al-Qaeda (33-34). 17. Omission of any discussion aimed at determining whether the damage suffered by the Pentagon actually corresponded to the damage that could have caused the impact of a Boeing 757 traveling several hundred kilometers per hour (34). 18. Ignoring the fact that there are photos showing that the facade of the west wing collapsed not until 30 minutes after the impact and that the entrance hole is too small for the diameter of a Boeing 757 (34). 19. Missing from all contradictory evidence on the presence or absence of visible pieces of a Boeing 757, either within or outside the Pentagon (34-36). 20. Total absence of discussion to determine if the Pentagon had a missile defense system capable of shooting down an airliner, even though the Commission suggested that the terrorists of al-Qaida decided not to attack a nuclear power precisely because they thought that this would have that kind of defense (36). 21. Ignoring the fact that images from different cameras (including the petrol station which is facing the Pentagon, confiscated by the FBI immediately after the impact) could help determine what was really hit the Pentagon (37-38). 22. Omission of the reference to the defense secretary D. Rumsfeld to "a missile [used] to beat [the Pentagon]" (39). 23. Approval apparent response totally unsatisfactory to the question why would the Secret Service agents allowed President Bush to remain in school when Sarasota, according to the official version, they should have thought that a hijacked airliner could have that same school as white (41-44). 24. Failure to explain why the Secret Service did not request an escort of fighter planes for [the presidential plane] Air Force One (43-46). 25. Claims that at the time the presidential entourage arrived at the school [Sarasota], none of the participants knew that several planes had been hijacked (47-48). 26. Omission of the report that Attorney General John Ashcroft had received a warning to stop travel on commercial airlines before September 11 (50). 27. Failure to claim that David Schippers, based on information from FBI agents about possible attacks in the south of Manhattan, he had tried to transmit that information to Attorney General John Ashcroft during the 6 weeks prior to September 11 (51). 28. Omission of any mention of the fact that FBI agents said that he is aware of the targets and dates of the attacks [terrorists] long before the events (51-52). 29. Statement, circulated by a rebuttal by giving the issue resolved, desacostumbrado that the volume of purchases of shares prior to the September 11 does not mean that buyers would know in advance that attacks were to occur (52-57). 30. Omission of reports that the mayor [San Francisco] Willie Brown and some senior Pentagon were warned that they should not take the plane on September 11 (57). 31. Omission of the report that Osama bin Laden, who was then the most wanted criminal by the United States, was treated in July 2001 by an American doctor in the U.S. hospital in Dubai and that there was a visit from a local agent the CIA (59). 32. Omission of articles suggesting that, after September 11, the U.S. military deliberately allowed the escape of Osama bin Laden (60). 33. Omission of reports, including the reported visit of the head of the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia to Osama bin Laden in the hospital in Dubai, which come into contradiction with the official version of the bin Laden family and your country This renegade (60-61). 34. Omission of Gerald Posner's summary on the testimony of Abu Zubaydah, according to which three members of the Saudi royal family (the three who died mysteriously just 8 days interval) were funding al-Qaeda and knew in advance the realization of attacks of September 11 (61-65). 35. Denial of the Commission on the discovery of evidence of Saudi funding of al-Qaeda (65-68). 36. Denial of the Commission on the discovery of evidence showing that money belonging to the wife of Prince Bandar, Princess Haifa, was handed over to agents of al-Qaeda (69-70). 37. Denied, simply ignored the difference between commercial flights and private flights, the fact that the flight in which the number of Saudis traveled September 13 from Tampa to Lexington violated the airspace regulations established at that time (71 -- 76). 38. Widespread denial of accreditation to several Saudis to leave the territory of the United States shortly after September 11 that these people were not subjected to proper investigation (76-82). 39. Omission of evidence that shows that Prince Bandar received a special permit from the White House for the Saudi flights (82-86). 40. Failure to claim that Coleen Rowley responsible for FBI headquarters had seen the memo from Phoenix agent Kenneth Williams (89-90). 41. Ignoring the fact that the Chicago FBI agent Robert Wright claims that FBI headquarters closed its investigation into a terrorist cell and then tried to intimidate him to prevent publication of a book that recounts his experiences (91). 42. Omission of evidence showing that FBI headquarters sabotaged the attempt by Coleen Rowley and other agents [FBI] in Minneapolis to obtain a search warrant for Zacarias Moussaoui's computer (91-94). 43. Omission of the three and a half hours of testimony before the Commission provided the former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, according to a letter it made public and addressed to the chairman of the [Commission] Kean, revealed serious responsibility on the part of stealth FBI in connection with the September 11 and within the FBI headquarters (94-101). 44. Ignoring the fact that General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of the ISI [the Pakistani Intelligence Service], was in Washington a week before September 11 and met there with the CIA director, George Tenet, and other Senior U.S. (103-04). 45. Omission of evidence showing that Ahmad, the head of the ISI [the Pakistani Intelligence Service] has ordered the dispatch of 100 $ 000 to Mohamed Atta prior to September 11 (104-07). 46. Asserting that the Commission did not find any evidence that any foreign government, including Pakistan, has financed agents of al-Qaeda (106). 47. Failure to report that the Bush administration pressured Pakistan to Ahmad was dismissed from his post as head of the ISI after the disclosure of information revealed that it had ordered the ISI money sent to Mohamed Atta (107-09 ). 48. Failure of proof that the ISI (and not just al-Qaeda) was behind the assassination of Ahmad Shah Massoud (the commander of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan) that occurred just after an encounter that lasted a week between responsible CIA and the ISI (110-112). 49. Omission of evidence that shows that the ISI is involved in the kidnapping and subsequent murder of Daniel Pearl, a journalist for the Wall Street Journal (113). 50. Omission of Gerald Posner's report according to which Abu Zubaydah said that a Pakistani military officer, Mushaf Ali Mir, who maintained close links with the ISI and al-Qaeda knew in advance of the attacks of September 11 (114). 51. Failure of the prediction made in 1999, Rajaa Gulum Abbas an agent of ISI, that the twin towers' collapse (114). 52. Ignoring the fact that President Bush and other members of his administration repeatedly referred to the attacks of September 11 as "opportunities" (116-17). 53. Ignoring the fact that the Project for the New American Century ( "The Project for the New American Century '), many of whose members became key figures in the Bush administration, in 2000 published a paper stating that a" new Pearl Harbor "would help secure funding for a rapid technological transformation of U.S. military (117-18). 54. Ignoring the fact that Donald Rumsfeld, who was chairman of the committee and the U.S. Space Command had recommended increasing the budget for this, he used the attacks of September 11 on the afternoon of that day, to ensure these funds ( 119-22). 55. No mention was made that the three persons responsible for the failure of efforts to prevent the attacks of September 11 (Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, General Richard Myers and Gen. Ralph Eberhart) were the three main promoters of the U.S. Space Command ( 122). 56. Ignoring the fact that Unocal had declared that the Taliban could not guarantee adequate security to undertake the construction of pipelines (for oil and gas) from the Caspian Basin through Afghanistan and Pakistan (122-25). 57. Failure to report that representatives of the United States said during a meeting in July 2001, because the Taliban rejected his proposal to build a pipeline, a war against them would begin in October (125-26). 58. Ignoring the fact that in his book, published in 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote that if the U.S. can maintain its global dominance is necessary for that country to control Central Asia, with its vast oil resources, and that a new Pearl Harbor would be helpful to obtain the support of the American public to these imperial designs (127-28). 59. Ignoring the fact that key members of the Bush administration, including Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz, worked for many years to unleash a new war with Iraq (129-33). 60. Omission from the notes of the conversations of Donald Rumsfeld for the September 11 show that this was determined to use the attacks as a pretext to unleash a war against Iraq (131-32). 61. Omission of the statement appears in the Project for a New American Century, which states that "the need for a strong U.S. presence in the Gulf goes beyond the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein" (133-34). 62. Assertion that the protocol of the FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) on the events of September 11 required a long process which had to go through several stages in the chain of command when the Official Report [Commission's] appointment evidence to the contrary (158). 63. Statement that in those days only two air force bases in the northeastern sector of the U.S. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command Aerospace Defense Command, or North America) had fighters on alert, and in particular that there was no aircraft combat alert at bases McGuire and Andrews (159-162). 64. Ignoring the fact that the basis of Andrews air force had U.S. fighter aircraft on alert (162-64). 65. Acceptance of dual statement that Colonel Marr of NEADS (North East Air Defense Sector), had to telephone a superior to authorize it to send the fighter aircraft from the [base] and that needs Otis 8 minutes to make that call (165-66). 66. Approval of the statement that the loss of the transponder signal from a plane makes it virtually impossible to locate the vessel by the U.S. military radar (166-67). 67. Assertion that the Payne Stewart interception did not show that the response time in case NORAD flight AA11 was extraordinarily slow (167-69). 68. Statement that the fighters at the base of Otis remained in soil for 7 minutes after receiving orders to take off because they did not know where to fly (174-75). 69. Statement that U.S. forces were not aware of the diversion of the flight UA175 until 9.30 am, the precise moment that the flight crashed into the south tower of the WTC (181-82). 70. Omission of any explanation of (a) why NORAD's earlier report, that the FAA notified the military diversion flight UA175 at 8h43, is now regarded as false and (b) how was that report, if true, could be published and remained valid for almost 3 years (182). 71. Assertion that the FAA did not establish the teleconference but from 9h20 of that morning (183). 72. Ignoring the fact that a memo by Laura Brown of the FAA, says that the call was about 8h50 and that is specifically about the diversion of the flight UA175 (183-84, 186). 73. Statement that the NMCC teleconference (Military Command Center, or National Military Command Center) did not start before the 9h29 (186-88). 74. Omission in the Commission's assertion that the flight AA77 not deviated from its course before the 8:45, the fact that the time mentioned in previous reports was the 8h46 (189-90). 75. Failure to mention that the announcement of the fall of a jet in Kentucky, shortly after the time the flight AA77 disappeared from FAA radar, was taken seriously enough by those responsible for the FAA and the FBI Terrorism Unit as they send to the White House (190). 76. Statement that the flight AA77 flew for about 40 minutes by the American airspace towards Washington without being detected by radar military (191-92). 77. Failure to explain, if NORAD's earlier report in which he informed the 9h24-to-flight trajectory that AA77 was "incorrect", how wrong was that the report could come to light, so that whether those responsible for the NORAD lied or were "trickster" for nearly three years (192-93). 78. Affirmation that the Langley fighter jets, according to NORAD said first were sent to intercept the flight AA77, were actually deployed in response to an erroneous report of a driver (not identified) from the FAA that the 9h21 Flight AA11 was still in flight and was heading to Washington (193-99). 79. Statement that the soldiers were not contacted by the FAA about the probable hijacking before flight AA77 hit the Pentagon (204-12). 80. Claim that Jane Garvey had not joined the videoconference from Richard Clarke to 9h40, or after the impact with the Pentagon (210). 81. Asserting that none of the teleconferences succeeded in coordinating the FAA and military responses to hijackings because "none of [them] included the appropriate responsibility within the FAA and the Department of Defense", although Richard Clarke says that its own video included the director of the FAA Jane Garvey, the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and General Myers Richards, chief of the Armed Forces (211). 82. Asserting that the Commission did not know what the members of the Department of Defense participated in a videoconference with Richard Clarke when Clarke himself says in his book that it was Donald Rumsfeld and General Myers (211-212). 83. Approval of the statement by General Myers that he was in the Capitol during the attacks without mentioning the contradictory report by Richard Clarke, according to which Myers was in the Pentagon and participated in a videoconference with Clarke (213-17). 84. Failure to mention the contradiction between the testimony of Clarke on the movements of that morning Rumsfeld and Rumsfeld's own statements (217-19). 85. Omission of the testimony of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta to the Commission, testified that the Vice President Cheney and other [people] in the shelter had been underground at 9h26 warned that a plane was approaching the Pentagon (220). 86. Statement that those responsible for the Pentagon did not know that a plane was approaching them before the 9h32, 9h34 or 9h36 those, or just minutes before the building was hit (223). 87. Acceptance of two versions that contradict each other on the device that hit the Pentagon: one that describes the execution of a 330-degree spiral down (a high-speed dive ") and one which does not mention such a maneuver ( 222-23). 88. Statement that the fighters from Langley, who allegedly received orders to take off quickly to protect Washington from "ghost flight AA11" not at all close to Washington because they were sent by mistake to the ocean (223-24). 89. Omission of any evidence suggesting that what hit the Pentagon was not the flight AA77 (224-25). 90. Assertion that the FAA did not inform the military about the diversion of the flight UA93 before this crash is (227-29, 232, 253). 91. Double claim that the NMCC did not monitored the conference initiated by the FAA and therefore could not connect to the teleconference with the FAA launched by the NMCC (230-31). 92. Ignoring the fact that the Secret Service has the means to let you be aware of everything that makes the FAA (233). 93. Omission of any inquiry into the reasons that led the NMCC to start their own teleconference if, as Laura Brown said the FAA, it is not part of standard protocol (234). 94. Omission of any inquiry about why Gen. Montague Winfield not only was replaced by a 'rookie' (a rookie), Captain Leidig, as director of operations NMCC but also gave the command when it was clear that the Pentagon was before an unprecedented crisis (235-36). 95. Assertion that the FAA notified (so wrong) to the Secret Service, between 10h10 and 10h15, the flight UA93 was still in flight and was heading toward Washington (237). 96. Statement that Vice President Cheney did not give permission to shoot until 10h10 (several minutes after the fall of Flight UA93) and that such authorization was not received by the air force until 10h31 (237-41). 97. Omission of any evidence that the flight UA93 was shot down by a military plane (238-39, 252-53). 98. Statement that [on the counterterrorism czar] Richard Clarke did not receive the request for authorization to fire until 10h25 (240). 99. Omission of Clarke's testimony, suggesting that this was asked for authorization to fire on the 9h50 (240). 100. Assertion that Cheney did not fall to the underground shelter PEOC [or CPOU (acronym for Presidential Center Emergency Operations]) until 9h58 (241-44). 101. Omission of multiple testimony, including that of Norman Mineta [Secretary of Transportation] to the Commission, reports that the [Vice President] Cheney was in the CPOU before 9h20 (241-44). 102. Affirming that the authorization to shoot down a civilian aircraft had to be granted by the president (245). 103. Omission of reports that Colonel Marr ordered to shoot down the flight UA93 and General Winfield indicated that he and other [officials] hoped that the NMCC game reached a flight UA93 (252). 104. Omission of reports that there were two fighter planes in the air several kilometers from New York and three to just 320 miles from Washington (251). 105. Ignoring the fact that there were at least 6 military bases with fighters on alert in the northeastern U.S. (257-58). 106. Approval of the statement by General Myers that NORAD had defined its mission in terms of defense against threats directed [to the U.S.] from abroad (258-62). 107. Approval of the statement by General Myers that NORAD had not foreseen the possibility that a group of terrorists would use hijacked airliners as missiles (262-63). 108. Failure to put into perspective the significance of the event, presented in the report itself, or mention other facts that prove that it had actually planned NORAD threat it could represent the possible use of hijacked airliners as missiles (264-67) . 109. Failure to explore the implications of the issue could influence how the military exercises (war games) scheduled for that day in the failure of the military in attempts to intercept the hijacked airliners (268-69). 110. Failure to discuss the possibility that the development of the Operation Northwoods has favored the attacks of September 11 (269-71). 111. Affirmation (presented to explain why the military did not receive information on the hijacked planes in time to intercept ensure) that the staff of the FAA inexplicably failed about 16 times in the application of standard procedures (155-56, 157 , 179, 180, 181, 190, 191, 193, 194, 200, 202-03, 227, 237, 272-75). 112. Failure to mention that proclaimed the independence of the Commission was fatally compromised by the fact that its executive director, Philip Zelikow, was virtually a member of the Bush administration (7-9, 11-12, 282-84). (ndt: it was close associate of Condoleezza Rice) 113. Failure to mention that the White House initially tried to prevent the creation of the [Research Officer on the terrorist attacks of September 11] and then obstructed the work of this, as it did to give a very limited budget (283 -- 85). (ndt: Budget estimated at $ 15 million when the fictional film "Flight 93" by Paul Greengrass cost 18 million and "World Trade Center" by Oliver Stone cost four times more, or 60 million dollars. Regarding first, the creation of the Commission did not take place until 441 days after the attacks and suggested that President Bush was headed by Henry Kissinger ... and then retracted before the violent criticism of public opinion against that proposition.) 114. Failure to mention that the chairman of the Commission, most of the other members of the Commission and at least half of the staff had serious conflicts of interest (285-90, 292-95). 115. Failure of the Commission, which boasted that the presentation of its final report had taken place "without dissent," to mention that this was possible only because Max Cleland, a member of the Commission more critical about the performance of the White House-even vowed that "it would not be complicit in a biased treatment of information" - had to resign his post within the Commission to accept a position at the Export-Import Bank and the White House released its nomination for the post only after criticism by Cleland were especially direct (290-291). Conclude by stating that I concluded my study of the text that I have termed "the Kean-Zelikow Report" by writing the following: Finally, the Report of the Commission of Inquiry on 11 September away to evacuate my doubts about official complicity, only served to confirm them. What could bring those responsible for drafting the final report to mount much of an invention if no major attempt to mask the enormous crimes?
There is still no official version on the attacks of September 11, 2001. Did not open a judicial inquiry on the attacks themselves or the lower parliamentary inquiry. There is only one government version contained in a report by a presidential commission. Professor David Ray Griffin, author of a reference work in studying the report, found that text lies 115 listed here. (By David Ray Griffin, for Voltaire Network)